Maria Jose Mora-Rey
I was looking for something... after 25 years working in multinationals and Coaching found me. My life has been rich in experiences as a partner, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and human resources professional. My curiosity to learn, my confidence in people and my positivity have always been my strength. I believe in people and their inner power. My vocation is, through coaching, to accompany you in the search for your change, your task or your choice of path. My goal is to accompany you to find How to Manage: Frustration at what is not how you want it to be, a change of position of work, those mixed feelings towards your brother, your partner or parents, the lack of communication with your son or daughter, what you are not sure if you can..., that goal that you have been wanting to do all your life and you do not dare, this anxiety to speak in public or ask something of your boss.
Personal and Labor Coach. ACC Certified Coach by ICF. Educational Coach certified by AICP. Personal development, emotional management and coaching trainer. Expert in Human Resources. Associate Professor EAE Business School. Management and HR services Madrid Bar Association.
- ACC Certified Coach by ICF (International Coach Federation). - Expert in IE, NLP and educational Coaching, certified by AICP (International Association of Coaching and Psychology) - Professional Coach trained at the Cegos Coaching School. - 30 years of experience in all areas that make up Human Resources management. - Law degree. - Master's degree in HR management and direction from the Center for Financial Studies. - Master in Human Resources Management and Personnel Administration by the Ceco. - Speaker at the International Coaching Week.