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The 12 types of language (and their characteristics)

Language is a communication system, made up of oral and written signs, which serve so that human beings can express our ideas, thoughts, emotions and feelings to other human beings, either to two or more people.

Language becomes indispensable in our life in society and is key in our interpersonal relationships. In this article you will learn how language is classified and what its characteristics are.

  • Related article: "The 10 basic communication skills

Other forms of communication

Language is just one part of communication. Being a good communicator is key to develop on a day-to-day basis and to be successful in interpersonal relationships, at work and in life in general.

Communication, like language, can be in different ways, since it is possible that there is more than one communicator (one person or several) or that the message is sent through a different channel. So before getting to know what the different types of language are, you can start by knowing the different types of communication in our article: "The 28 types of communication and their characteristics”.

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Language types

But, What types of language are there? What are their characteristics?

In this article we present a list with the different types of language and their explanation.

According to their level of naturalness

There is more than one type of language or communication method through which we transmit information to each other. In this sense we can classify different typologies. One of them is based on the level of naturalness or artificiality with which the code of symbols used is used.

1. Natural language

Natural language is the language that we all speak in an ordinary way (Spanish, Catalan, English, French, etc.) and it makes reference to those languages ​​that have been developed spontaneously by a group of people with the purpose of communicate. It is different from other types of languages, such as: programming languages ​​or mathematical language.

Thus, by natural language we understand all that type of act of communication that unconsciously uses the code learned and assimilated during childhood and the development process, typical of the environment and culture of membership.

2. Artificial language

It is understood as such all that language created and used consciously with the aim of fulfilling a specific objective, expressing oneself in a way different from natural or in order to specify technical aspects that can be ambivalent and difficult to understand through language natural.

Artificial language is not born spontaneously, but is created and does not serve the purpose of general-purpose communication. The programming language is a clear example, as it is a language to communicate with computers and between computing devices. Therefore, it can be said that it is a type of language ad hoc, in whose origins there has been a clear specific objective, linked to a specific context.

Among the artificial languages, formal language, literary and poetic language stand out as a form of emotional and artistic expression and technical language (within which we can find specific languages ​​of different disciplines such as legal language or doctor). Next we will see its characteristics.

Literary language

The type of written language that writers use. It may seem the same as cultured language, however, colloquial and even vulgar twists can be introduced. It is a type of language that creates beauty and complex literary plots, as well as communication. In him, the forms matter a lot, and expression attempts are not just focused on the explicit content of the messages. For example, making a fictional character speak with a certain accent serves to build her role in the story, since it can inform about her ethnic or social origins.

Scientific and technical language

Scientific and technical language is made up of jargons, that is, they are languages ​​that are used by different social groups and professional unions and that vary from the standard language. Furthermore, they are normative and objective. Language is technical in the sense that it is used in different activities, professions, or areas of science. This is because it is necessary to be clear in advance of the precise meaning of the words and the ways in which the messages are formulated so as not to fall into procedural errors derived from a misinterpretation of what has been communicated.

The scientific language is similar to the previous one. However, the main difference between the two is in their purpose. While scientific language refers to the transmission of knowledge, technical language intends to transmit information not for a theoretical purpose, but for an immediate practical purpose and specific.

Formal language

Formal language is less personal than informal language, and is used for professional or academic purposes. This type of language does not use colloquialisms, contractions or pronouns like "you" or "you". Instead, it uses "your," "you," or "you."

In a way, the main raison d'être of formal language is give the communicative context an importance or solemnity that serves to make that place or act something that is respected, that is above the individual people who are communicating.

According to the communicative element used

Language can also be classified according to what type of elements are used in the communicative exchange.

1. Verbal language

Verbal language is characterized by the use of words when interacting with another person (or people), either through written or spoken language. However, it not only refers solely and exclusively to the use of words, but also to shouts, acronyms, hieroglyphs, etc.

On the other hand, this is a type of language that starts from the establishment of norms and symbols whose interpretation has been agreed in advance (although there is a certain space to disagree). Therefore, it takes time to learn how to use it.


Oral language is basically spoken language. This type of language is a combination of sounds used to express thought, in which the sounds are grouped into spoken words. A spoken word can be a single sound or a group of sounds. To express something these words must be grouped correctly following a series of rules.

Furthermore, this is one of the first types of verbal language to appear in our evolutionary history, probably alongside iconic language, or shortly thereafter.


The sounds of oral language are represented by letters to form written language. In other words, oral language has equivalent words in written language. These words are written down on paper or on a computer, and express ideas, and as in oral language, these words must be grouped appropriately for correct expression.


It is another type of non-verbal language that uses basic symbols and defines ways to combine them. The basic symbols are vocabulary, and how to combine them is grammar.

2. Nonverbal language

This type of language is carried out without words and, in many cases, the person who does it is not conscious. The look, the way of sitting, walking, gestures, body movements, are some examples of non-verbal communication.


It is a type of non-verbal language that is expressed through the body. Gestures, facial expression, body movements, and even body odors are kinesic language.


It is a non-verbal language that appears specifically in the way the muscles of the face move, an area to which We are very sensitive, since there are areas of our brain dedicated to detecting facial expressions and giving them a meaning.

Other categories

Other categories can also be considered to classify types of language that do not fit the above criteria.

Vernacular language

Vernacular language refers to the native language of the place where it is spoken. For example. French in France or Spanish in Spain. However, Spanish in Colombia or Peru are not vernacular languages.

Egocentric language

Egocentric language is a type of language that is observed in children and that is an integral part of their development. Originally it was Jean Piaget who gave its name to this type of language, and this famous character He stated that it occurs because the child is not a very social being at an early age and speaks only to himself same.

According to Piaget, over time, the child becomes related to his environment and this type of speech disappears. Instead, for Vygotsky, over time this type of speech evolves and helps children organize and regulate their thinking.

  • Related article: "Piaget vs Vygotsky: similarities and differences between their theories"

Social language

Another term that Piaget coined to refer to the linguistic behavior of children. Social language is characterized because the destination of information and communication goes outwards, in an adaptive way and to relate to the environment. The child adapts the dialogue to the interlocutor.

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