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The main CHARACTERS of the BIBLE and their characteristics

The main characters of the Bible and their characteristics

The religious textss are full of people who are essential to understanding religion, since they contain much of the information that these books want to convey to us. These characters may have been real or fictional, but in one way or another they are always relevant. To talk about the main protagonists of the most recognized religious book, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the main characters of the Bible and their characteristics.

Before talking about the characters in the Bible, we must remember even briefly what this book is and why it is so extremely important to the Catholic religion. The Bible is the way we call a set of texts that were written by some of the leading representatives of the catholic religion, being therefore a very interesting book, which has even been written in different languages, since the different authors were not always from the same region or the same time.

Currently the Bible is the best selling and edited book in history, being able to be in all the languages, and being recognized therefore like the most important religious text of all.

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The Bible is divided into two parts, the old and the new, each narrating temporarily different events. To facilitate the list of important characters we are going to divide the lesson in two, depending on the book to which the characters belong. In addition, there are also different bible books that help us to better understand the basis of this religion.

The main characters of the Bible and their characteristics - What is the Bible?

Image: Missionaries of Christ

The Old Testament is the book that narrates all the events of the Catholic religion since the origin of the world until the birth of Jesus Christ, occupying its pages some of the main characters of the Bible.


Moseswas a Hebrew raised by the Egyptian pharaohs who got the liberation of the Hebrew people of the slavery he suffered in Egypt. For years he was the leader of God's following people, leading them through the desert to the Promised Land. He was also the one who was given the tables of the 10 Commandments, a very important element for the Catholic religion.


Considered as the founder of the Hebrew religion, being directed in these exploits by God. He was always a great servant of God, even going so far as to sacrifice his son to be faithful to him.


The second king of the people of Israel, being known for defeat the mighty Goliath with just one sling. His government of the people of Israel was one of the most respected, achieving victory against many cities that had to join the cause.


Known primarily for his ark, being a ship in which Noah had to put two animals of each species so that they could survive the great universal flood. Noah started out being indifferent to religion, but in his adult life he became one of God's greatest followers.


Job is the protagonist of the book of Job, being a text in which the character suffers the punishments of Satan, with God's permission, to show that Job would remain faithful to God until the end.


Samson was said to be The World's strongest man, performing actions impossible for human beings, but always at the service of God. Samson's strength came from his hair, and he is told that he was betrayed by his wife, who cut off his hair to give it to her enemies.


He was the third king of Israel, succeeding David, ruling the region for almost 40 years. Solomon is considered one of the wiser people in the Bible, being especially famous for his trials, which were a sign of his great wisdom.

The main characters of the Bible and their characteristics - Characters of the Old Testament Bible

Image: Pinterest

To continue with this lesson on the main characters of the Bible and their characteristics, we must talk about the protagonists and prominent figures of the second part of the Bible, being the one in which treats the life of jesus and the early years of Christianity.


Also know as Christ or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of christianity and possibly the most important person in western culture. He is considered the son of God, and it is said that his death brought forgiveness to the human being.


Spouse of the Virgin Mary and putative father of Jesus. He was a carpenter of humble origin, although in some texts it is said that he could be a descendant of King David himself. He is considered as the employer of the workers, and also as an example for all parents.


It was the mother of Jesusshe, she becoming pregnant by God's design and without human intervention. She is one of the most revered characters in the Catholic religion, being she especially respected as the maternal figure of the savior.

John the Baptist

A Jewish preacher who lived at the same time as Jesus. Her most important role in the Bible has to do with the baptism, since it is thought that it was he who baptized Jesus in the waters of the Jordan River.


He was one of the twelve apostles who followed Jesus throughout his preaching, though he is actually best known for betray the messiah handing it over to the Romans for thirty pieces of silver. It is said that repentant for betraying Jesus he ended up committing suicide by hanging.

Simon Peter

One of the most important disciples of Jesus, being the one who was entrusted with the mission of founding the Catholic Church, being considered by many as the first Pope of the Catholic Church.

The main characters of the Bible and their characteristics - Characters of the New Testament Bible

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