All religions they have a series of beliefs, being the base of the religious system and covering many aspects of the societies where religion is relevant. To know a religion in depth it is important to talk about its beliefs, and therefore in this lesson from a teacher we are going to comment on these elements of one of the main religions, offering a summary of the beliefs of islam.
The Islam is a monotheistic religion, that is to say that he only believes in a single god, whose origin can be found in the Arab area, being founded by the so-called prophet Muhammadaround the 7th century and influenced and based on the Abrahamic texts, like other great religious such as Christian or Judaic, but replacing the God of these religions with another that receives the name of To.
It tends to be referred to as Muslims to the followers of Islam, since the word Muslim means "submitted to the will of Allah", currently being used both to refer to believers in religion like to name the peoples of the areas where these predominate beliefs.
The importance of Islam is understood by verifying that it is the second religion with the highest number of believers in the world, with almost 25% of the world's population being faithful to religion. The area with the greatest predominance is the Asian area and the Arab area, but there are more than 50 countries with a significant presence of religion.
When talking about the beliefs of Islam we must bear in mind that it is a very extensive religion that has numerous activities and that each of the branches that make it up have great differences between them.
Therefore, in this lesson on the beliefs of Islam, we are going to talk about the main beliefs that all branches of Islam have, using to This is two groups of beliefs that summarize several of the main elements of the Muslim religion, being the 6 basic articles of faith and the 5 obligations rituals.
The 6 Basic Articles of Faith
Arisen at a time when sacrileges were very common, the 6 articles are a system that serve as the basis of Islam, being necessary to cover many elements and that no believer departs from the path. The 6 articles of faith are as follows:
- Believe in Allah: The only true god for Muslims, being a sacrilege to believe in any other deity. This article defends monotheism while breaking the idea that Allah could have a son as if he has God in the Christian religion.
- Believe in angels: As in other Abrahamic religions in Islam there are also the figures of angels. The angels of Islam have numerous tasks such as defending against demons or visiting the ordinary world to give lessons to humans.
- Believe in the prophets: The prophets are considered one of the most important people in Islam, being the bearers of the word of Allah. Some of the main prophets are Muhammad, Abraham or Jesus.
- Believe in the divine books: The Koran as the supreme holy book of Islam is the center of everything, being from where the ideas and beliefs of all Muslims are born, and the basic book for all of them.
- Believe in the day of judgment: Like the rest of the Abrahamic religions, Islam also has a day of judgment, when everything ends. It is the moment when Allah will end the world, in a great judgment that will decide the end of each person and his destiny in the afterlife.
- Believe in the divine power of Allah: The god of Islam is totally divine and powerful, thus being omniscient and possessing power over everything in this world.

The 5 ritual obligations are considered to be the elements that all Muslims must carry out in a mandatory way to be good believers, being for this reason obligatory and some of the most important beliefs of Islam. The 5 ritual obligations are also known as the foundations of Islam and they are the following:
- Shahada: The obligation that lies in there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet. The idea is that all branches of the Muslim religion is the same, so you can only believe in one religion that is Islam and you should reject polytheism in all its forms.
- Salat: Muslims should pray five times a day, looking at all of them in the direction of Mecca. It is one of the most established beliefs, and it is considered sacrilege not to perform the five prayers.
- Azaque: Every Muslim woman should give a alms per year, giving part of their savings to people in the community who have the least money. The idea is that no one can be rich and therefore cannot be greedy.
- Sawm: Fasting performed during the month of Ramadan, in which the believer cannot eat or drink during the time that the Sun is present, generating great parties during the night to eat and drink.
- Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca It is the obligation with the least presence, since it is said that one should only make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime, although always depending on the economic possibilities of the person.