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The 80 best phrases of Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jeane Baker, better known as Marilyn monroe, she is a famous American actress born in 1926 in the famous city of Los Angeles, California.

After working in a model making factory called “Radio Plane”, a girl still named Norma Jeane got several modeling jobs and was featured in dozens of magazines.

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Famous quotes of Marilyn Monroe

With the passage of time, her career as her interpreter was getting a greater impact, but it was in 1953 thanks to the movie "Niagara", which a very young but already consecrated Marilyn Monroe, managed to get her first role as protagonist. Once the movie was released, her life changed forever.

The image of her is known worldwide and possibly there will be no one on the whole planet who does not know her, below you can discover a selection of the 80 best phrases of Marilyn Monroe, which is most likely the most famous woman of the entire twentieth century.

1. I am trying to find myself as a person, sometimes that is not easy to do. Millions of people live their entire lives without meeting.

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Finding ourselves is something that can be difficult at times. meditation can be an effective technique to help us in this work.

2. I am selfish, impatient and a little bit insecure. I make mistakes, I lose control and sometimes I am difficult to deal with But if you can't deal with me at my worst, you definitely don't deserve me at my best.

As people we all have our shortcomings, absolutely no one is exempt from them.

3. Happiness is within you, not next to anyone.

A great quote that undoubtedly holds great wisdom, happiness is indeed within ourselves.

4. Your clothes should be tight enough to show that you are a woman, but also loose enough to show that you are a lady.

At the time of this actress, her personal style was something that was taken into account, wearing little clothes was something that could be seen as an unequivocal symptom of bad taste.

5. Imperfection is beauty, insanity is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Defects can be our great allies if we know how to exploit them correctly. Something that was initially seen as a defect may be our future hallmark.

6. No woman should ever forget that she doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her.

Having a partner should not be seen as an obligation, both men and women should have it if it is really something we really want.

7. In Hollywood they pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.

At that time we could already see how the image of women was already being sexualized, something that over the years only became more.

8. I like to be fully clothed, or if not totally naked. I don't like half measures.

As we can see, this actress is not afraid to say what she thinks, her honesty was something very important to her.

9. The man has to stimulate the mood and spirit of the woman to make sex interesting. Her true lover is the man who moves her by touching her head, smiling, or looking into her eyes.

Small gestures can be the most attractive, a man can say a lot about himself with a seemingly unimportant gesture.

10. One of the best things that has happened to me is being a woman. That is the way all women should feel.

We should be proud of the person we are, if we do not value ourselves in the first place, it is clear that no one outside of us will.

11. It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone.

An appointment that many of us should take into account, as they say, it is better to be alone than in bad company.

12. Nobody told me that I was pretty when I was a child. All girls should be told that they are beautiful, even if they are not.

When we are young we need adults to value us, thanks to this we will be able to greatly improve our self-esteem.

13. Women who seek to be equal to men lack ambition.

Both men and women should be proud of the attributes we possess, both genders have simply extraordinary innate qualities.

14. Love doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be true.

Real love is something that does not abound, when we find it we must make sure not to let it escape.

15. I hope that the wait does not wear out my dreams.

Life can become tedious at times, we must be patient if we want to achieve what we want so much.

16. Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about.

Life is certainly wonderful and you never know what the future will bring, so we must make the most of every moment of happiness that we live.

17. Things go wrong to appreciate when they go well.

The bad moments give us the opportunity to enjoy the good ones, thanks to them we will be able to value them to a much greater extent.

18. It is wonderful to have someone who praises you, who wants you.

Feeling loved is something that all human beings desire, flattery can be something that encourages us morally in certain situations.

19. It is not true that she had nothing on, she had the radio on.

As we can see, this actress was always going to make her opinion very clear, regardless of what others might think.

20. You never know what life is, until you've lived it.

The good times are what we will remember the most, thanks to them we learn what it is to live fully.

21. Dreaming of being an actress is more exciting than being one.

The world of interpretation does not have to be what those of us who are not within it think. Acting may not really be as easy as you might think.

22. The most beautiful thing for me is the dream, at least I can dream.

Dreams are a door to our subconscious, in them we can discover worlds totally alien to our reality.

23. A woman knows by intuition or instinct, what is best for her.

If something does not suit us, we must let it go, life can surely continue without it. Learning to detach ourselves from things may be an important positive step in our life.

24. I am good, but not an angel. I commit sins, but I am not the devil. I am just a little girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.

We all have our personal flaws but still we want them to love us despite them, if the love between two people is true, the flaws will never be an obstacle.

25. I restore myself when I am alone.

Loneliness can be something that gives us the opportunity to clarify our ideas, thanks to it we can immerse ourselves deeply in our own thoughts.

26. I want to be an artist, no... a celluloid aphrodisiac.

As a woman, she did not want to be just admired for her attractiveness, behind her figure there was much more to discover.

27. Sometimes I've been to a party where no one spoke to me for a whole night. The men, frightened by their wives, gave me great detours. And the ladies gathered in a corner to talk about my dangerous character.

Her success earned him great envy throughout her life, some people did not understand that Monroe was not just a movie character.

28. Being a sex symbol is a heavy burden to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt, and bewildered.

Life can take many turns and the motivations that we used to have can disappear overnight. Being a celebrity may not be as easy a task as is often thought.

29. If you're going to be two-sided, at least make one of them beautiful.

We must be honest with ourselves and with all those around us, because lying will always be something that will harm us in the long run.

30. Romance experts say there has to be more to happy marriages than passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for one another.

For a relationship to be fruitful over time, passion alone is not enough, both people must have the same way of approaching their long-term lives.

31. I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.

The life of this actress was undoubtedly the most fantastic of her time, her glamor and luxury surrounded her 24 hours a day.

32. I want the world to see my body.

At that time, the nude was something that was not well seen by a large percentage of society, people like Monroe will help create a much more liberal society.

33. There is no one who looks like me without clothes on.

Our body is a magnified version of our fingerprint, no two are completely alike.

34. With fame you can read the opinions of others about you, but what is important is how you feel about yourself.

Fame is something that puts all those who have it in the limelight, because once we become public figures, criticism will undoubtedly not take long to arrive.

35. Fame is like caviar. It is good to have caviar, but not when you have it at every meal.

Even the most pleasant luxuries will become tedious if we do not stop experiencing them. Fame is something that with the passage of time, everyone who possesses it ends up hating it.

36. A man is more frank and sincere with his emotions than a woman. Girls, I'm afraid, have a tendency to hide our feelings.

Men and women deal with our emotions differently, both sexes have particularities that offer us a completely different vision of reality.

37. The designers want me to dress like spring, wearing sheer things. I don't feel like spring. I feel like a hot red fall.

The image of this actress in a red dress tells us a lot about her personality, she was a woman who had no fear of being the center of attention.

38. She used to think while she watched Hollywood nights; "There must be thousands of girls sitting alone dreaming of being a star." But I'm not going to worry about her, I'm the one who dreams the most.

A girl who undoubtedly made her dream come true, became the great actress that she always wanted to be.

39. I think that sexuality is only attractive when it is natural and spontaneous.

People who are attractive do not have to do anything to stand out, being themselves they easily get the attention of everyone around them.

40. I've found that men are less likely to let petty things bother them.

Men and women deal with problems in different ways, women tend to act in a much more passionate way in their private lives.

41. Naturally, there are times when every woman likes to be flattered, to feel that she is the most important thing in someone's world. Only a man can paint this picture.

Being an object of desire can be something that sometimes makes us feel better, our morale will undoubtedly rise if we feel valued by those around us.

42. Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to keep him. After the marriage, she has to keep him to make love to him.

A relationship does not necessarily have to end in a marriage. Let's be clear that our happiness does not reside in another person, it resides within ourselves.

43. Someday I want to have children and give them all the love I never had.

The love of our parents is something we always seek during our childhood, a search that we will later continue in a different way as we reach maturity.

44. The truth is that I have never cheated on anyone. I have sometimes let men fool themselves.

Some men she met had a very wrong idea about her, Monroe was not a woman to be bought with compliments and gifts.

45. I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be true to the face that I have made.

Showing a natural image was always very important to her, her operations never seduced him in the least.

46. The problem with censorship is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They should be concerned if you don't have any.

Censorship was something that had to end, society was certainly capable of digesting much more explicit media.

47. I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it.

Regardless of what others thought, she was always going to be totally true to herself, society would never be able to inhibit her personality.

48. I have never left anyone in whom she believed.

Honesty was priceless for her, just as for many of us lies simply had no place in her personal life.

49. I have never worn pajamas or those disgusting nightgowns, they interrupt my sleep.

Sleeping naked can be something that helps us get a higher quality sleep, if the weather allows it, clothing does not have to be necessary when resting.

50. A woman who asks for nothing, she deserves everything.

Having a detail towards our loved one will always be something that animates the day, even if it is not Valentine's Day, it can always be a good day to give a gift.

51. I don't count rhythmically like the people on the radio. I would not endure exercise if it gave me the feeling that it is regulated.

Acting was a profession that allowed her to express herself in her own way, thanks to which she always felt very comfortable in front of the camera.

52. Keep your head up, your chin up, and most importantly, keep your smile, because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about.

Having a positive attitude can be very beneficial for us, with this we will be much more efficient in everything we get involved in.

53. Husbands are great lovers when they cheat on their wives.

This actress had a very particular vision about marriage, her life had taught her that happiness does not have to come with marriage.

54. What the world really needs is a true sense of kinship. Everyone: the stars, the workers, blacks, Jewish Arabs. We are all brothers.

All human beings and we must be respected regardless of what we do. The humble origins of this actress made her always very aware of the harsh reality that many people live daily.

55. An actress is not a machine, but they treat you like a machine. A money making machine.

As we can see, as a result of this appointment, she did not always feel valued by those with whom she worked, some entrepreneurs alone looked to her for the possibility of making money.

56. A sex symbol becomes a thing. She hate being a thing.

Society did not think of her as an intelligent and emotional woman, her image came to overshadow many of her other qualities.

57. Men are very willing to respect anything that bores them.

In a situation of formality, men are always respectful, but it is in moments of fun that many take off their masks.

58. If there is only one thing in my life that I am proud of, it is that I have never been a supported woman.

She was always financially independent, with her effort she knew that she could earn as much money as she wanted.

59. Having a child has always been my greatest fear. I want a child and I fear a child.

Children are a great responsibility and throughout her life it was always something she had great respect for.

60. When it comes to gossip, I have to readily admit that men are just as guilty as women.

Men can be as gossipy as women, the only difference is that both tend to gossip on different topics.

61. A run is wonderful, but you can't cuddle with it on a cold night.

Work does not have to be our only goal in life, there are many more important things that we must value if we want to enjoy a completely full life in the future.

62. I've been on a calendar, but I've never been on time.

Punctuality was never one of her strengths, something to which her friends and relatives had no choice but to get used to.

63. Fame doesn't fulfill you. She warms you up a bit, but that heat is temporary.

Her fame was not something that important to her, as she was not famous for many years in her life and it was something she was totally used to.

64. Marriage destroyed my relationship with two wonderful men.

Marriage was not the type of relationship with which she felt most comfortable, because at that time marriage was something that somewhat restricted her personal freedoms.

65. I'm alone; I'm always alone, no matter what happens.

Few people got to really know her, all those who used to surround her didn't really know anything about her personality.

66. I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for me and for my talent.

People used to stay with her image and not with her personality, something that undoubtedly came to deeply displease him.

67. A strong man does not have to be dominant towards women.

A man does not show his strength by being dominant and possessive towards women, a strong man knows that the woman he loves will never part with him.

68. If I am a star, then people made me a star.

The public turned her into the icon that for many of us she is today, but the reality is that there was a very deep and emotional woman behind that facade.

69. Dogs never bite me, only human beings.

Dogs are usually much more loyal than people, a dog will always show his love for you in a totally unconditional way.

70. A woman cannot be alone. You need a man. A man and a woman support and reinforce each other. She just can't do it herself.

Living as a couple can help us in many aspects of our life, as long as the person we are with is really the right one.

71. In Hollywood, a girl's virtue is much less important than her hairstyle.

Aesthetic beauty is something that has always prevailed in the play of light and shadow that has always been Hollywood, our personality does not have to be relevant if we want to succeed in that world.

72. I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to sound like one.

Jokes can be a good way to pass the time, but we must make sure that those around us know how to differentiate when we joke and when we don't.

73. I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.

High heels can greatly stylize a woman's figure, a fact that Monroe undoubtedly knew how to make the most of.

74. I've always had a talent for irritating women since I was fourteen.

His physical attractiveness and his sharp personality made the women around him doubt themselves. Something that would undoubtedly bring him more than one enemy.

75. I am not a victim of emotional conflict, I am human.

All human beings deal with our emotions on a daily basis, sometimes we are successful and sometimes we fail miserably.

76. Friends accept you as you are.

A great truth that we must always bear in mind, those who do not accept us as we are, are not really our friends.

77. I live to be successful, not to please you or anyone else.

Her success did not depend on any third party, it was always she herself who had total control of her career.

78. Respect is one of the great treasures of life.

Without respect, life in society would not be possible, we must respect all those we meet daily.

79. Sometimes I feel like my whole life has been one big rejection.

Monroe was a person who always sought the approval and admiration of others, a way of thinking that he undoubtedly shared with a large number of actors of all time.

80. I have never particularly cared about outdoor sports and I don't want to excel at tennis, swimming, or golf. I'll leave those things to the men.

Sports were never his strong suit, his life was busy enough. Reading was, on the contrary, an activity that he assiduously enjoyed.

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