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The 9 rules of democracy proposed by Aristotle

Philosophy's forays into politics have more than two thousand years of history.

Yes Plato became known for relating his theory of ideas to a model of political organization based on an iron hierarchy, his disciple Aristotle did not lag behind him, and proposed a series of democratic principles that, according to him, were necessary so that the voice and interests of the people could shape the important decisions that are made.

This series of proposals are known as the 9 rules of democracy according to Aristotle.

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The context: the democracy of Athens

Of course, the democratic standards of Ancient Greece are not very similar to those that prevail today in most industrialized countries of the West. Although it is considered that the Athenians were the fathers of democracy, at that time only wealthy families could have representation. The majority of the population, which included slaves, women and minors, as well as people considered foreigners, had neither voice nor vote.

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Furthermore, this model of democracy was by no means widespread throughout Greece. The Spartans, for example, placed much more emphasis on the need to function as a large military camp than on the virtues of political representation.

The sophists

This is the context in which Aristotle wrote his texts on politics; in Athens, some people went by lottery to places of political representation in which a few dozen people debated. The part that managed to convince the rest won, and that is why for certain wealthy families philosophy reduced to a game of rhetoric in which the way in which something was said was more important than the content of that message.

It was for this reason that experts of rhetoric, the so-called sophists, proliferated in Athens who they instructed whoever paid them in the art of convincing others, something that was considered an investment to gain power of influence.

So much Socrates as Plato showed their total rejection of this conception of philosophy so based on the relativism, since they understood that the truth did not change depending on who paid for the defense of certain interests.

The political system developed by Aristotle

After these two philosophers, Aristotle did not put so much emphasis on the need to access a universal and absolute truth regardless of the consequences that this had, but he did believe important set a series of rules for democracy to be as perfect as possible, avoiding the risks of corruption and rhetorical tricks.

This series of Aristotle's rules of democracy were written in his book Politics, and are as follows:

1. Choose all magistrates among all

Aristotle understood that politics affects everyone and that therefore everyone should have the right to influence politics.

2. Let everyone rule over the individual and let the individual rule over all

This fit between collective and individual interests was considered essential so that democracy did not have blind spots.

3. That public offices are appointed by lottery

This Greek philosopher believed that, wherever possible and where the need for knowledge technicians were not a stumbling block, the positions had to be chosen by lot to avoid the traffic of influences.

4. That a person cannot hold the same position twice

Aristotle believed that this rule of democracy was fundamental so that certain positions did not remain entrenched, which would cause the personal interests of the person to be mixed with the political objectives that pursues.

5. That the same person only occupies a public position at the same time

This rule, which had the exception of people dedicated to the protection of the city through the army, could serve as a primitive model of separation of powers.

6. That public offices are of short duration

This was necessary, once again, so that the personal interests of politicians did not interfere too much with their political role.

7. Let elected officials administer justice

The idea of ​​justice should be above political objectives and specific strategies, for the good of the population as a whole and not to set precedents for injustice.

8. May the assembly of the people have power over all things

Fundamental decisions had to come from the sovereignty of the people, not from the decisions of a few people.

9. That no public office is for life

This was necessary to prevent gaps from appearing between the power of public officials and the rest of the population. If there are lifetime charges, they could take any unfair action, since they have guaranteed an extra power throughout their lives and therefore they would not have to pay the consequences.

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