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The 10 best Psychologists in Cuenca

The psychologist Gabriel Quintanilla Martinez She has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another in Dependency and Social Services Management and a third Master in Personal Development and Mindfulness.

With a professional experience of more than 20 years, this psychologist has specialized in the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy along with others such as Mindfulness or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with which it treats all kinds of disorders both in the emotional and cognitive fields and behavioral.

In addition to that, among his main intervention specialties are addictions, disorders of obsessive compulsive type, self-esteem deficits, depression and deficits in coping skills coping.

The center Psychology 360 has a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults and also couples, in online sessions and at an affordable price.

All the sessions applied at the center have a high level of scientific evidence and are among the most remarkable there are Brief Therapy, Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

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Each of these therapies is adapted to the needs of the person cared for in order to successfully treat the problems of behavior, cases of depression and anxiety, sexual difficulties, stress, low self-esteem and conflicts relatives.

Mary of the Cross She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and a master's degree in Clinical Psychology, being thus fully prepared to help people with psychological difficulties and disorders emotional

María de la Cruz is an expert in treating children, adolescents and adults who have disability problems to manage anger, emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression, and attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity It can also help children with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and relationship problems that cause difficulties in the family and school environment.

If you want to know more about María de la Cruz, you can find her at Plaza la Hierbabuena in Cuenca or attend non-face-to-face online therapy through a video call platform.

One of the most prominent psychologists that we can find in Cuenca is Isis Torres Mendoza placeholder image, which is part of the Liberum Space.

This mental health professional graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid in the year 2004 and later she specialized in the fields of brief psychotherapy and court therapy EMDR.

It should also be added that Isis Torres is also an expert in sports psychology and in coaching, thus being able to emotionally assist people who are facing new challenges in their lives and who need this figure of psychological support. Another interesting fact is that Isis Torres is an expert in psychosomatic medicine and health psychology, having trained in these fields at the University of San Jorge.

Among the specialties of this psychologist is psychotherapy for anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dependent-type personality disorder, and grief over the loss of self dear. It is worth mentioning that she can also help children and adolescents with psychological trauma.

The psychologist William Miatello She has a Degree in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, she has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University from Buenos Aires and she is a specialist in attending online to adolescents, youth, adults, couples and also families

This professional has been practicing psychotherapy for more than 10 years and throughout his career he has specialized in offering an individualized intervention, based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy.

Among her intervention specialties, cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, emotional dependence, relationship problems, family conflicts and problems labor.

Cristina Santos Torralba She graduated in Psychology and later completed a postgraduate degree in Perinatal Psychology and two master's degrees, one in Forensic Legal Psychology and the other in Clinical and Health Psychology.

It should also be mentioned that this psychologist is an expert in the evaluation and treatment of male and female sexual disorders, self-esteem and she can act as a mediator for families involved in toxic and aggressive dynamics.

Among the specialties of Cristina Santos is also the treatment for problems such as anxiety disorders, situations of low self-esteem, low mood and cases of high stress. It is interesting to know that she can also practice as a couples therapist for those relationships in crisis and on the verge of the break for reasons such as infidelity, distrust, demotivation with the other and problems with third parties.

Barbara Diez Perez She is another of the most recommended psychologists that we can find in this city in central Spain.

She is part of the Magdala clinic and after graduating in Clinical Specialty Psychology, this psychologist completed a master's degree in Research in Psychology and she finished a doctorate in Health Psychology from the National University of Distance Education in the year 2014.

In her psychotherapy sessions Bárbara Diez part of the EMDR cutting therapy and she can serve both children and adolescents as well as adults and seniors. Her specialties include anxiety disorders, low self-esteem situations, psychological trauma in adults, and grief over the loss of loved ones. She also adds that she can help couples reconcile thanks to her specialized relationship therapy in times of crisis.

This psychologist is another of the best that we can find in Cuenca and she is part of the Despierta center.

Maria Alvaro Sardina she graduated in clinical specialty psychology from the Jaume Primer University in 2013 and has a postgraduate degree in Child-Adolescent Clinical Psychology and with three master's degrees, one in Aging and Dementias, another in General Health Psychology and a third in Neuropsychology.

Thanks to this training, María Álvaro is an expert in treating children and adolescents as well as adults and the elderly. Among the specialties of this psychologist are depression in adolescence, emotional dependence, anxiety disorders and memory disorders in delayed people seniors. She can also psychologically assist gifted children.

Rocío Goitia González She is one of the most recommended psychologists in Cuenca for training her my experience in the field of mental health.

After graduating in Clinical Specialty Psychology, this psychologist specialized in the field of disorders addictive, specified and unspecified eating behavior disorders and disorders in the population younger.

It is for this reason that Rocío Goitia is one of the best psychologists that we can find in Cuenca if we seek therapy for abuse psychological and child abandonment, for anxiety disorders, for personality disorders and for psychological trauma also in Adults. It is also worth mentioning that she is an expert in helping people addicted to new technologies such as mobile phones, video games and the Internet.

After graduating in Clinical Specialty Psychology, Carmen Ballesteros Chavarría she specialized in adolescent cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and family therapy. In this way, this psychologist is able to effectively assist couples and family nuclei that are involved in aggressive and mistrust situations.

This psychologist may be the mental health professional you are looking for if you are seeking treatment for anxiety disorders, situations of depression, or if you know of someone who is on the verge of social isolation or suffers from attacks of panic. It is also worth mentioning that she is an expert in helping children and adolescents manage anger and prevent victims of bullying end up injuring themselves.

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