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30 ironic phrases to give life a twist

Communicating is quite an art, and one that can be difficult to master.. The use of vocabulary, rhythm, intonation, the non-verbal language that accompanies, qualifies or even denies what is expressed orally or the context in the that is applied are aspects that must be taken into account when interpreting a message, the meaning of which may vary depending on the intention of the issuer.

The use of figures such as irony is an example of the high level of richness that our language has and its link with our cognitive and social capacities. In this article we offer you as an example of this a series of ironic phrases.

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The irony

Irony is understood as the use of language by which we use our oral expressions, implying or otherwise. what we are really saying or something other than what would be interpreted simply with the meaning of our words. On many occasions the ironic sense is evidenced through the use of non-verbal language. or it is only visible due to the situation in which it is issued.

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It is usually used in a comic, acidic and / or cynical tone.

It is important not to identify irony with sarcasm. Although the latter can be considered a subtype of irony, in sarcasm we intend to make harmful use of our message. That is, irony is used to insult or criticize the recipient. Although irony can be critical, it doesn't have to be offensive.

About thirty ironic phrases

Below are a series of phrases full of irony, in which it can be observed that the meaning that the sender gives to the message is not the same as that of the words per se or even the opposite. Some of them can be considered sarcastic.

1. What a nice day! You want to walk under this summer sun

Irony when there is a storm, hail or it is extremely cold.

2. I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go to another room to read a book

The irony of this phrase by Groucho Marx is that it is avoiding watching television that makes its author considers his educational presence, and not television itself as he seems to say in the first sentence.

3. Don't suffer so much please

Usually by way of reproach, someone is told that they are totally calm and even cheerful in a stressful situation.

4. Marriage is the principal cause of divorce

In this sentence we could be talking about the causes of divorces, but ironically the requirement to be able to divorce (which is to be married) is used as if it were its cause.

5. I will put your opinions in my bank account, to see if over time they will generate any interest

A way of telling someone that her opinions on certain issues are not valued positively.

6. If you don't tell me, I don't even realize

The ironic use occurs when it is used in situations in which we communicate something that we know about and it is evident.

7. I like you when you shut up because you are like absent

Although it is part of a poem by Pablo Neruda, this phrase is sometimes used ironically to indicate someone to shut up because it bothers.

8. It was so good that I left it so that someone else can enjoy it / It's so disgusting that I'm going to finish it, lest someone get intoxicated

One way of saying that a meal was not exactly to our liking / we love it.

9. You must be very tired after so much work ...

Ironic if used with someone who has spent the day sleeping or doing nothing.

10. What good luck I have!

This phrase is ironic when used when something bad or unwanted happens.

11. Hilarious. I am crying with laughter. Seriously, I'm freaking out.

When someone says something out of place, they make a joke that annoys us or leaves us cold.

12. Keep talking please. Yawning is my way of showing you how much I care about what you have to say to me

A way to make clear the absence of interest in what they are telling us or trying to sell. This phrase is clearly sarcastic.

13. We weren't expecting you so soon

It is used as an irony when someone is late.

14. Angry me? How do you come up with that nonsense?

When someone has done something that provokes our anger and our reaction was not expected, they usually ask us about it. This kind of ironic response often makes our anger clear to him.

15. Don't talk so much or my head will explode

An irony that is used is in a group and no one tries or dares to start or hold a conversation.

16. I've never seen anything so wonderful

Used with irony, it would refer to something that we did not like at all and in fact we have found it horrible.

17. What a little angel!

It is used to refer to someone who is not characterized precisely by his kindness and good behavior towards others but by the opposite.

18. Nice way to answer

Irony used as a reproach to an angry or out of place reply.

19. Experience is a wonderful thing. Allows you to recognize a mistake when you make it again

The irony of this phrase is that whoever commits it has just repeated a mistake previously made, which in principle should have allowed them to avoid it.

20. If you don't read the newspaper you are not informed. If you read it, you are misinformed

This phrase by Mark Twain reflects the lack of objectivity of the press and indicates that ironically in Instead of being informed, those who read it are misinformed as said information is biased and / or manipulated.

21. If you don't have enemies, it's because you haven't done something right

When we do things well and achieve our goals, other people often hate, envy or criticize us because of our success. The irony is in the fact that doing things well and with good intention is what usually leads to having some kind of enemies.

22. My opinion may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right

The fact that you had to change your mind implies that you were previously in error, that we are facing an ironic attempt to show that both before and after he considered that he was in the certain.

23. Do not get so excited

Phrase that is used when they give us unexpected and apparently good news that we do not have an immediate reaction or the news or situation in question does not cause us the reaction that the other waiting.

24. I'm so smart that sometimes I don't understand a word I'm saying

A phrase by Oscar Wilde.

25. A good listener often thinks about something else

This phrase from Hubbard refers to the fact that often the one who seems to be listening with full attention is ironically the one who is paying the least attention to being absorbed in his thoughts.

26. No, he was not sleeping. I practice for when I die.

A somewhat brutal way of showing that, indeed, we were asleep and they have woken us up.

27. Thank you!

When someone does not do something that was agreed in advance, he does not help when it is needed or even does something that hurts us, a thank you is ironic.

28. I never heard anything so accurate

It is used ironically when someone says something absurd.

29. It is clear that I have let myself win!

The irony can also be used with oneself, making it evident in this case that it has been precisely lost.

30. How could I not give you permission for that?

This phrase is ironic when used to show that what you are asking for will not be granted.

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