Education, study and knowledge

25 Chinese Sayings about life and death

Today we have a compilation on Chinese sayings about life and death as well as proverbs of the same kind.

China, which is the most populous country in the world with more than 1,500 million inhabitants, has a thousand-year-old history. The Asian nation can boast of having been the cradle of great thinkers, writers and philosophers.

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Chinese sayings about Asian life and philosophy

In this selection of Chinese sayings and proverbs we will try to offer you a broad vision of some of the customs and ways of seeing life in this area of ​​the planet.

1. "He who is not diligent as a young man, when he is old, he will lament in vain."

Action always has a reward, although sometimes we do not achieve the objectives.

2. "In idle youth, laborious old age."

If one does not work hard in youth, he can run into a lot of problems later in life ...

3. "A gift as insignificant as a goose feather sent from afar makes perfect sense."

How would you interpret this proverb?

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4. "Modest gift that contains great affection."

Sometimes the humblest gifts are the most appreciated.

5. "In a clear sky, a storm can suddenly break out."

Do not trust the apparent calm.

6. "Something unforeseen can happen from one moment to the next."

Another saying that underlines the idea of ​​unpredictability in life.

7. "To clear, dark cloudy days."

Another phrase that you can interpret in different ways.

8. "The justice network spread by the heavens is omnipresent, and its meshes, although sparse, do not let anyone escape."

Trust in God to impart justice is reflected in this saying.

9. "Justice has a long arm."

Where the eyes do not reach, the rationality of the judicial system arrives.

10. "An iron pestle, by dint of being sharpened, can become a needle."

We can slowly hone our skills.

11. "Little by little the old woman spins the flake."

In the same sense as the previous one.

12. "Sometimes good swimmers drown, and the best riders fall off their horses."

Even if you are very good at something, no one guarantees success in every action you take.

13. "Yearn for something long enough, and you won't want it anymore."

Time also heals us from superficial longings.

14. “He whom we love has no defects; if we hated him, he would lack virtues ”.

It all depends on the glass with which we look at reality.

15. "When the finger points to the moon the idiot looks at the finger."

Don't get lost in the details when it's not strictly necessary.

16. "Without tigers in the bush, the monkey is king."

When there is no one who stands out, someone mediocre can become the leader.

17. "Water makes the boat float, but it can also sink it."

Beware of the elements, they do not have a single facet. Good and bad are relative concepts.

18. "Not even four galloping horses can recover the word they have promised."

Honor is an essential value for the Chinese.

19. "Better to walk with someone you love than to rest with someone you hate."

A proverb that we can apply to our day to day.

20. "Confidence in life is found when the spirit feels deeply calm."

Peace of mind provides us with the best tools to be happy.

21. "A house without love is like a fireplace without fire, a house without the voice of a child is like a garden without flowers, the mouth of the loved woman without a smile is like a lamp without light."

A beautiful saying full of positive energy.

22. “Whoever loves the most spends the most; who a lot accumulates a lot loses ”.

The thrifty character can be a double-edged sword.

23. "True friends meet in adversity."

True friendship does not only manifest itself when everything is going smoothly.

24. "Along a long road and in a narrow bed, friends meet."

Another saying in the same sense as the previous one.

25. "The sane in another's head lecture."

So far the distribution of wisdom from China. We hope you liked these Chinese sayings and that you get valuable reflections to apply to your daily life.

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