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Couples Therapy in Murcia: the 6 best Clinics

Institute of the Couple is one of the great references of couples therapy not only in Murcia but in all of Spain, although in this institution also performs individual psychological therapy (for patients of any age) and therapy sexual.

Its facilities in this city are located on Avenida de la Constitución, in the San Miguel neighborhood, so that it is right in the center.

It is a well-stocked organization of resources and professionals; For this reason, it also has a presence in Torrevieja, and beyond the psychological assistance to marriages and people involved in dating relationships, trains professionals in couples therapy and sexology.

At Instituto de la Pareja it is possible to have psychological assistance in the face of problems such as crises due to infidelity, lack of communication or involvement in coexistence, jealousy, mismanagement of expectations, insecurities in sexual relationships, etc.

In addition, this organization also has a complete Master's Degree in Sexology and Couples Therapy, in which over a year the students are trained students in the theoretical and practical keys of these two areas of intervention in patients, in the hands of professionals with extensive experience in the sector.

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The psychologist Elena Cayuela placeholder image Throughout her career, she has specialized in caring for people of all ages who may have any type of problem or disorder.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Murcia, this professional has a Master's Degree in Social Intervention Psychology and a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology.

Her intervention integrates various therapies with proven efficacy and some of her most notable specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, divorce processes, stress and deficits in the management of go to.

On Calle Salvador de Madariaga we find Cattell Psychologists, another of the best options for those looking for couples therapy in Murcia.

This psychology center was founded in 1984, and since then its team has accumulated experience in the treatment different common problems, among which problems in relationships have a great leadership.

Its 5 psychology professionals can adapt to the particularities of what the patients according to the causes of discomfort, always taking into account individual factors and relational.

In Mónica Sánchez's psychology consultation, this expert in sexual and couples therapy helps people involved in marriages or relationships in general to manage their difficulties and ensure the preservation of the bond loving.

Monica Sanchez she has a degree in psychology from the University of Murcia and a master's degree in sexual health and clinical sexology and the title of University Expert in human sexuality and sexual education, both for the UNED.

This professional can help to jointly address dysfunctional dynamics both in the way of relate as in the way of experiencing sexuality, something very useful, since many times both problems go hand in hand.

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LiveSSana, located in the Plaza Dentistas Murcianos, is a psychology, couples therapy and sexology consultation directed by the psychologist Nazaret Vives Salar.

This professional specialized in sex therapy through the Master of Sexology and Couples Therapy of the European Association of Clinical Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, and at the When addressing relational problems in couples that damage the affective bond, he works on improving both behavior patterns and styles of thought.

In this way, results are achieved whose effects are maintained over time.

MentSalud is a psychology and psychiatry clinic with a powerful couples therapy program.

The MentSalud facilities are located in the heart of Murcia, and its team of professionals is very broad and has specialists in various areas of the intervention in mental health and psychological well-being, so it is very easy to find the proposal that suits your needs and that fits your availability.

The work of the professionals at this clinic focuses on helping the people involved in the relationship adopt new ways of interacting with the other, learn to accept your partner and to communicate from the honesty and empathy.

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