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The 6 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Fuengirola

Adrián Muñoz Pozo is one of the most recommended psychologists that we can find in Fuengirola to treat the cases of depression.

He graduated in clinical specialty psychology from the University of Almería and after graduating he specialized in techniques for the development of mindfulness and meditation techniques Mindfulness.

It is interesting to know that these meditation and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and that is why they are very useful for treating cases of depression.

He is also an expert in therapeutic strategies in third generation therapies, combining these with cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. This mental health professional is also an expert in helping people who suffer from phobias and irrational fears, self esteem issues, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and Eating Disorders.

The psychologist Tereza Lindberg She has a Master's Degree in Health Psychology from the University of Malaga and a Training Course in Gestalt Therapy, in addition to that, she currently offers a specialized psychological care service in cases of depression in adults and also in teenagers.

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The intervention of this professional is integrative of different therapies, being Cognitive-behavioral Therapy the therapeutic model with which her work is mainly based, since it is one of the best results.

In her consultation, she attends in English and Swedish, as well as in Spanish and other of her intervention specialties associated with depression are self-esteem problems, anxiety disorders, and deficits in coping skills. coping.

The team of PsychoAbreu is one of those with the most experience giving therapy to patients of all ages, since they began their trajectory in 1995 and today they have offices in many of the main cities of the province of Malaga.

As psychotherapists trained in a wide variety of forms of intervention and patient support techniques, the members of PsicoAbreu adapt to the characteristics, problems and life context of each person to offer tailor-made therapy processes, with the objective of achieving concrete results both in the face of mood disorders and in the face of any other emotional or behavioral.

Aurora Lopez She is part of the Más Vida team and graduated in Psychology from the University of Malaga in 2003 and has more than 15 years of experience in the field of mental health. In addition, this psychologist also has two master's degrees, one in Couples Therapy and the other in Practice in Clinical Psychology.

She is also an expert in psychological intervention in cases of depression and can also effectively treat other emotional disorders such as anxiety disorders, low self-esteem situations and nervous breakdowns.

It is interesting to know that she can also accompany people who are in a phase of mourning for the loss of loved ones and act as a therapist for couples who see each other in times of crisis.

Nieves López-Brea Serrat She graduated in Clinical Psychology from the National Distance Education University and also has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and another in Child Neuropsychology.

This psychologist is a specialist when it comes to treating depression problems and its derivatives and, in addition to offer treatment for anxiety disorders, inability to control impulse addictions and phobia Social.

It is interesting to know that Nieves López-Brea can also act as a family mediator for those nuclei that are seen to be involved in negative and aggressive dynamics.

Mario Olea Caparrós He is, in addition to being a psychologist, Director of PersonalMente Psicólogos.

This professional specializes in Third Generation Therapies, and specifically in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In addition, he can attend both in Spanish and in English and French to intervene in cases such as anxiety disorders, depression, grief, psychological trauma, low self-esteem, poor impulse regulation, relationship problems in the couple, and many more.

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