Education, study and knowledge

The 6 best Psychologists who are experts in Virtual Reality in Palma de Mallorca

The psychologist Silvia Fisas She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she has a Master in Neuropsychology, another Master in General Health Psychology, a third Master in Third Generation Psychological Therapies and a Doctorate in Neurosciences.

This professional has specialized in applying Virtual Reality therapy to treat a wide variety of disorders, including which include anxiety, ADHD, phobias and fears, lack of concentration, addictions, trauma and problems of self-esteem.

Her intervention is offered to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families who request it, in face-to-face or remote sessions, depending on the preferences of the person attended.

The professionals of the psychology center Alpha Omega They make a revolutionary Virtual Reality treatment available to their clients using the Psious system.

The technique used by this center is, therefore, exposure, consisting of facing and exposing the client to the situation that generates the state of anxiety or fear for a certain time in a safe environment and checked.

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Likewise, the main disorders that are addressed in Alpha Omega Psychology through the technique of Virtual Reality are anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, fear of flying or social phobia, among other

The psychologist Eva Mª Vallejo is a specialist in serving both couples and families who have some type of phobia through the use of Virtual Reality, a therapy that combines the best of the cognitive-behavioral approach and exposure in alive.

This therapy consists of offering tools to the person so that they learn to recognize their negative thoughts and emotions and can change them for more positive and adaptive ones.

The professionals of the Carbonell Institute They offer a psychiatry and psychology service specialized in the application of new, proven technologies such as Virtual Reality.

These novel therapies are aimed at successfully treating disorders such as addictions, fear of flying, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, agoraphobia or disorders of panic.

The psychologist Antonio Riera López del Amo He has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, has a Master's degree in Psychopathology, Health and Neuropsychology and also has a Certificate as a General Health Psychologist.

Regarding the modality of his intervention, the application of therapies such as Virtual Reality to address cases of phobia, anxiety, fear of flying, social phobia, eating disorders or attacks panic.

The psychologist M. Angeles Perez Ara She has a degree in Psychology from the Jaume I University of Castellón, as well as a Doctor in Psychology and a General Health Psychologist.

This therapist has an experience of more than 10 years of profession in the field of psychotherapy and she is an expert in the use of Virtual Reality to treat fears and phobias in adults and also couples

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