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The 10 best apps to improve habits

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Join a gym, start a diet, stop smoking, sleep the hours that play... We start almost every year making these promises to ourselves, but the day-to-day leaves us little time to figure out ways to consolidate these purposes.

In this context, the mobile telephony market has offered its users all kinds of applications that are focused on to make all this much easier, helping people to create and above all establish new habits of life healthy.

But, of all the options, which are the best? In order to find the one that best suits your profile and needs, in today's article We offer you a selection of the 10 best apps to improve lifestyle habits.

  • It may interest you: "The 17 best apps to treat anxiety"

What are the best apps to improve habits?

This compilation has been prepared taking into account the scientific validity of what it presents, its effectiveness, ease of use, adaptation to the profile of each user, entertainment offered, how careful the visual aspect is and many others factors. Here is a selection of the 10 best apps to create and establish healthy lifestyle habits.

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1. Me I

Me I

Meyo is an app that, since its launch in early 2020, has completely revolutionized the market thanks to a revolutionary bet: to be an app for apps. In this sense, Meyo can be understood as an assistant focused on creating and establishing life habits in everything that we understand as health, from taking care of the body to maintaining a healthy mind.

Meyo, which has had a first round of investment of about 1 million euros, has been created by a team of psychologists and other top-level professionals who have created all kinds of content that help the user to improve their lifestyle while, obviously, amuses.

The app offers videos, exercise routines, personalized diets, voice-overs (similar to psychological therapy), meditations, games, tips and even short films (some of which have won Oscars) that exemplify the topics covered.

With all this, Meyo seeks that the user is the owner and lord of their physical and emotional health, establishing positive habits and eliminating negative ones. Eat healthy, play sports, quit smoking, sleep better, escape stress, take care of relationships with loved ones, promote sexuality, perform better at work, lose weight, increase muscle mass, encourage responsible consumption, overcome addictions... The app tracks your evolution and motivates you to continue taking care of your body and mind.

Its first users are affirming that the app is helping them a lot to create new healthy habits and to introduce them and consolidate them in their new life and that, in addition, with its design, ease of use and entertainment it offers, it is very entertaining and gratifying.

  • You can download Meyo for Android and to iOs.

  • To know more: “What can you do with Meyo? 16 benefits of this app "

2. Loop


Loop is one of the best applications to fulfill your purposes and consolidate new healthy lifestyle habits. This app allows the user to make a detailed follow-up of its progress, being able to create “goals” and analyze how it is achieving them.

The application consists of a calendar in which the user can say if she is achieving her daily purposes: sleep the necessary hours, meditate, play sports, eat fruit... What he decide. Loop motivates the user to meet his goals and to see if he is really consolidating his new habits.

3. HabitShare


As its name indicates, HabitShare is based on sharing with whoever we decide (basically family and friends) our progress when creating and establishing new healthy lifestyle habits.

This app allows you to design reminders to have something that "forces" you to do your best, create a calendar with the goals you set for yourself and create a list of contacts (of your choice) who can see how you evolve and you progress. With your loved ones supporting you, everything is much easier.

4. Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker is an app designed to create and consolidate healthy lifestyle habits and also to abandon bad ones. The user simply has to indicate the habit that he wants to introduce (or eliminate) from her life and mark each how long should you stick to it, that is, eat fruit three times a day or go to the gym twice a week, for example.

From there, the app generates a calendar in which we manually indicate whether or not we are fulfilling our purposes. This makes it easy to keep track of progress.

5. Habitify

Habitify is an app that is committed to simplicity. It consists of a kind of diary in which we indicate which habits we want to consolidate (or eliminate) in our life and we will simply mark on the calendar whether or not we are achieving our goals.

The app has a monitoring section in which it offers us, in the form of a graph and, therefore, in a very visual way, a vision of how we are progressing.

6. Quitzilla

His name is perfect. Quitzilla focuses on precisely that: "quit" bad habits, that is, abandon them. Although it is not designed to consolidate new habits, it is one of the best tools if what we want is quit smoking, spend less on clothes and whims, eat less pastries, gamble less, play less video games... be.

The app allows the user to track how they are doing with the abandonment of these negative habits and It motivates you to continue giving the best version of yourself, as it offers you trophies when you achieve your goals.

7. Todoist

Todoist is an Android application and one of the most useful when setting reminders on the calendar, so it can also be used to consolidate (or eliminate) specific lifestyle habits. Its strong point is that, by organizing tasks well, it saves us time when it comes to achieving our goals.

In addition, it allows you to monitor how you are evolving, that is, whether or not you fulfill the pending tasks and offers the user the possibility of creating shared projects with friends or whoever we want, so that all together you can motivate yourself continue.

8. Habit

Habitica is an app that is based on the concept of gamification, that is, turning something traditionally considered boring into a game. Duolingo is the clear example of this, which has made learning a language incredibly fun and rewarding.

This app does the same but with the scope of introducing new healthy habits into our lives. The user only has to select what his goals and purposes are and from there the app offers games and all kinds of content so that achieving what you want is simple and fun, keeping the user motivated and rewarding the user with experience. get them.

9. HabitHub

HabitHub is another app with a simple and effective design that allows you to track and monitor the achievement of new healthy lifestyle habits. The application allows you to monitor the calendar and see, graphically, what is the percentage of fulfillment of the goals we are pursuing.

In addition, HabitHub allows you to change the design of the different screens to personalize them and offers the possibility of including reminders that will help us.

10. Google Calendar

Oddly enough, Google's own calendar can be one of the best tools for consolidating (or eliminating) new healthy lifestyle habits. And it is that this app has infinite benefits that perhaps we do not know but that are incredibly useful.

You can add all kinds of reminders and annotations, in addition to configuring alarms, so that give up smoking, go to the gym, follow a diet, meditate, etc, it is much easier. This agenda and personal diary is one of the best options to better manage our time, keep track of our progress and install new routines in our day to day.

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