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The 12 most recommended Apps to improve your intimate life

Applications for smartphones and other devices have changed the lives of millions of people in a relatively short period of time. Currently there are apps with which we can improve in any area of ​​our day-to-day life and achieve any objective that we set ourselves.

The truth is that these are designed more and more with the aim of improving our intimate life, either on an emotional level, in the field of health, in the improvement of our intellectual capacities or at the level of health care for a particular disease or ailment.

  • It may interest you: "Apps for psychologists: 12 tools that cannot be missing from your smartphone"

The 12 best Apps to give your intimate life a boost

So, if you are interested in knowing which are the best applications with which you can improve your intimate life, consult the article that we present below, where you will find in a summarized way the main characteristics of each of them.

1. Me I

Me I

Meyo is the new personal assistant and health coach that will allow us to improve our personal, social and work life

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through support to achieve the objectives set by ourselves and by the system itself, which It will also offer all kinds of games, challenges to improve all kinds of skills, exercise programs and tests interactive.

The Meyo app is jointly designed by a multidisciplinary team of expert professionals that encompasses all areas of health promotion, some of which are areas in which Meyo influences: eating habits, sports routines, improvement in the sexual and couple environment or programs to stop smoking, among many others.

In addition to that, this application offers a wide variety of activities, professional support and specific monitoring to also improve both on a psychological, emotional and cognitive level. With its use we will be able to overcome our problems and also achieve all the objectives that we set ourselves, being able to make use of a ChatBot system offered by the app and with which we will obtain a treatment adapted to our personal needs.

  • You can download it for Android and to iOs.

2. Skimble Personal Trainer

Personal trainer

Skimble's Personal Trainer is one of the most popular apps of its kind. With it we will receive the best instructions from professional trainers both in audio, as with videos and educational and interactive photos.

The exercises can be of different muscle groups, variable intensities and also of different disciplines such as weights, cardio activities, yoga, etc. This application is compatible for Android and can be downloaded both for free and in the premium version. A perfect application to stay in shape and not let the routine diminish our athletic abilities.

3. Cycles


Cycles is a menstrual calendar available for iOS, with which women can easily follow their cycles, as well as controlling the days of greatest fertility or cases of irregularity, among other things.

The application offers a high level of personal privacy and allows the confidential sharing of data with our partner, as well as getting in touch and making intimate plans with her depending on the cycles menstrual.

4. Personal diary

Personal Diary is the application with which we can save all our writings, memories, annotations and experiences in the safest way possible and with all the guarantees of privacy and confidentiality.

This app will allow anyone who installs it on their device to create a personal diary, save it, protect it by means of a pin code and send the tickets to email, among many others options.

5. My Diet Coach

My Diet Coach is another application for women, in this case with which they will be able to lose weight through professional programs specialized in motivation and constant professional orientation.

Among the many activities offered by this app we can highlight the establishment of eating guidelines, the exercise routines and healthy habits, all of this enhancing the motivation and intrinsic capacity of the user.

6. Eat the world

The Eat the World application has been designed by professional chefs and offers a wide range of healthy cooking recipes and easy to prepare for all audiences. In addition to that, it also allows the option of selecting the ingredients that we have and obtaining a recipe proposal with those products. Ideal for couples who want to take care of their diet!

It is a groundbreaking application in the kitchen field, which will undoubtedly make life much easier for a wide variety of people around the world. This app is available for both Android and iOS and is free to download.

7. Universal Doctor Speaker

Universal Doctor Speaker is an application with which doctors and patients can understand each other even if they speak different languages. With this tool, anyone can travel the world without worrying about not being understood.

The application system has a wide variety of texts and phrases related to medical and health issues to promote communication. This app is only available for iOS.

8. NeuroNation

NeuroNation is an application that will allow us to improve various aspects of our cognition, among which we highlight memory, attention, concentration and intelligence in general.

This application, which has millions of users around the world, offers a great variety and didactic courses with which we will have fun improving our abilities at the same time.

9. Headspace

The Headspace app offers a guide to improving our health through meditation. With simple guidelines from expert professionals, we will learn to meditate for ourselves and enjoy the benefits of this activity.

The application is available for iOS and Android and offers different fees, each with differentiated benefits, ranging from 5 euros to 100.

10. Fit Brains Trainer

With this application we will improve and exercise our brain capacity and mental agility by executing a wide variety of puzzles of different difficulty modes.

With a follow-up of our markers in each of the exercises, we can motivate ourselves to improve ourselves day by day, thus improving our scores in each of the puzzles.

11. Lumosity

Lumosity is an application with which we can also exercise our mind with more than 25 games related to the enhancement of skills such as memory, attention and agility among others.

This app is designed by expert scientists in each of the subjects and with it, without a doubt, we will improve our intellectual performance.

12. Social Diabetes

Social Diabetes is the application indicated to improve the lives of those who suffer from diabetes of type 1 or 2.

This app allows you to track the different daily measurements of the person, such as blood sugar levels or eating habits, all monitored by doctors specialists.

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