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The best 7 Psychologists in Ibaiondo (Bilbao)

The psychologist Miguel Angel Ruiz González She has 40 years of experience in the profession and currently she runs her own psychotherapy and psychology health center in Bilbao.

Her sessions are aimed at adults and also couples who may have some kind of problem at the level emotional, relational or in the sexual sphere and are offered both in the face-to-face modality and telematically.

Some of her most notable qualifications are a Specialty in Psychotherapy by the European Federation of Psychologists Association, a Master in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy from the Centro di Terapia Strategica de Arezzo and a specialty in Interaction Therapy Reciprocal.

Likewise, the main areas that this professional successfully cares for are anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sexual difficulties, suicidal ideations and trauma.

The Health Psychologist Amaia amalur She is another of the most notable professionals in Bilbao and currently she is part of the team of professionals at the Aldama Psychologists Center, where she attends to people of all ages, in sessions offered in person and at distance.

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Graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto in the Clinical Psychology itinerary, this professional also has a Master's degree in Update in Psychological Intervention and Mental Health and also with an Expert Training Course in Behavioral Disorders Food.

His intervention is based on the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, a tool with which he addresses spectrum disorders autistic, cases of depression and anxiety, addictions, school difficulties, learning disorders and low self-esteem.

The multidisciplinary team of professionals in the Bilbao Inpsiko Center is specialized in offering the best services in early care and also in the areas of children, adolescents, adults and also in sexual and couples therapy.

The main areas of action that the professionals of this center dominate are, in addition to psychotherapy and neuropsychology, speech therapy, psychopedagogy and school reinforcement.

In addition to that, the main intervention specialties of the professionals of the Inpsiko center are school difficulties, hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, sex addiction, video game or internet addiction and adoption cases.

The General Health Psychologist Alazne Diez runs the center Loratu Psychology, a professional therapy space aimed at children, adolescents and also couples, in face-to-face or online sessions offered at a very affordable price.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto, this professional has a Training Course in Therapy Family and Systemic Interventions, another Training Course on Drug Addiction and a third course on Violence of Gender.

Her intervention is based on a cognitive-behavioral approach and some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses are: emotional problems, deficits in coping skills, depression, anxiety, family conflict and insomnia.

The Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychologist Idoia Castro She is a specialist in serving children, adolescents, adults and also couples, in sessions offered online and also in person.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Mental Health and Psychotherapeutic Techniques, another Master in Legal and Forensic Psychology and a Training Course in Brief Psychotherapy.

Through an experience of more than 20 years, this professional has specialized in assisting through counseling therapy cognitive-behavioral, addictions, cases of ADHD, learning disorders, autism spectrum disorders and depression.

The therapist Irene Tobias She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master in Neuropsychology, another Master in Child-adolescent Clinical Psychology, a third Master's Degree in Clinical and School Speech Therapy and a Training Course in Psychology Clinic.

As a member of the Ongizate Psychology team, this professional integrates different therapies of proven efficacy, among which is the Cognitive-behavioral therapy, to successfully treat addictions, eating disorders, self-esteem problems, stress and anxiety.

His intervention is offered to people of all ages, as well as couples and families, in face-to-face or remote sessions and at a very affordable price.

The psychologist Francisco Javier de las Rozas García He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Oviedo, an expert in Cognitive-behavioral therapy and a Mindfulness Monitor.

His intervention is offered to children from 5 years old, adults, adolescents and couples, and some of the areas he addresses are more frequently in your office, relationship problems, anxiety disorders, depression, social phobia and insomnia.

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