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The best 12 Psychologists in Sant Pere de Ribes

Monica Dosil She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and also has a Master's degree in Gerontology and a degree focused on the treatment of eating disorders awarded by the ISEP. In the consultation of this psychologist, people of all ages from children to the elderly can be treated efficiently, something that Above all, it is possible, thanks to the remarkable experience that this psychologist has accumulated during her more than 25 years of career. professional.

When treating people of all ages regularly, this specialist usually intervenes in a wide variety of pathologies being some examples of them the anxiety, the phobias, the depression or the low self-esteem.

The Center for Psychology, Psychiatry and Coaching Mensalus has a history of more than 30 years behind it, serving children, adolescents and adults who may have any type of problem.

The services of the center are offered online and each of the interventions are individualized and based on the integration of various therapies with proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Brief Therapy or Mindfulness.

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In addition to that, the professionals at this center are specialized in treating addictions of all kinds, cases of depression and anxiety, relationship problems, family conflicts, sexual difficulties and disorders of old age.

The Center for Psychology and Mindfulness Psychotools It is another of the most recommended in the Province of Barcelona and its services are aimed at people of all ages, online and with total comfort from the first session.

Located in the city of Barcelona, ​​the professionals at this center are specialized in attending to the eating disorders, school difficulties, stress, trauma, anxiety and depression.

The interventions of this center integrate Third Generation Therapies together with Coaching, Programming Neurolinguistics or the Integration of the Life Cycle, all of them adapted to the particularities and needs of each client.

Marcela pereyra She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and she has a Master's Degree in Coaching from the Catalan Institute of NLP. As clients of hers we should know that this psychologist has more than 30 years of experience practicing psychology during a time in which she is professional, above all she has been able to specialize in the practice of psychoanalysis, a methodology that, being well applied, can allow us to get a new perspective on ourselves and on how we should approach, any possible psychological pathology that currently we can suffer.

Together with this psychologist we can receive the treatment we need to be able to alleviate some disorders such as anxiety, depression or stress and we must not forget that If we wish, this psychologist can also act as our Coach, help us to solve any type of unexpected problem that may eventually have arisen in our day to day.

Maria Jose Corral She graduated in Psychology through the Open University of Catalonia and after a while, this psychologist She decided that she should specialize more deeply in the interesting practice of sexology and in sex therapy. partner. One thing to keep in mind about this psychologist is that with her we can receive therapy via online if we wish, a way of proceeding which can be very interesting for some of us in the event that temporarily we may not be able to visit her.

Some of the problems that this psychologist most often treats in her consultation are couple crises, emotional dependence, sexual problems and complicated grief situations, because although this psychology can treat all kinds of pathologies, it is due to its training that it usually treats couples

Julia Achilli She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Aconcagua and has a Master's degree focused on the use of the interesting EMDR Therapy. When this psychologist specialized in EMDR therapy, she discovered that this methodology was capable of scientifically demonstrating very positive treatment results. of a great variety of pathologies and it is precisely for this reason that if we receive treatment by this specialist we will normally use this methodology in concrete.

To this day, this psychologist is part of the team of professionals at the Capsis Vilanova psychology center, where she is treated by both her and any of her colleagues. colleagues, we can receive the help we need to be able to deal effectively with pathologies such as panic attacks, social isolation, phobias or the Depression.

Miguel Angel Manzano He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and also has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology which he studied through the Higher Institute of Psychological Studies. This specialist usually treats his clients using the well-known acceptance and commitment therapy, a methodology that usually gives very good results and that also combines when necessary with the interesting EMDR therapy.

Using together with this psychologist the two aforementioned methodologies we can obtain some great results in the treatment of some disorders such as agoraphobia, phobia Social. stress, anxiety or depression.

Laura Leon He studied Psychology at the University of Barcelona and after graduating, he decided to pursue a Postgraduate course focused on Clinical Psychopathology through the same university. If we decide to be treated in the consultation of this psychologist, we should know that normally we will use the well-known therapy as a methodology. cognitive behavioral as it is a form of therapy, which has been shown to be really very effective in treating a wide variety of disorders.

Disorders such as anxiety, panic attacks or depression, are some clear examples of the problems that are most commonly dealt with in this consultation specialist.

Jessica Salas She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Although this psychologist has enough training to be able to treat people of all ages, it is due to her specific training that she, especially, usually treats children and adolescents Furthermore, as her clients we should know that it is usually in this specific type of patient where this specialist tends to achieve better results more often when applying her therapies.

In the consultation of this psychology professional we can receive the help we need if we believe that our children may suffer a case of bullying, anxiety problems, an eating disorder or a possible depression.

Montse Castro she is an expert psychologist in the use of interesting EMDR therapy. With a remarkable experience of more than 10 years dedicating herself to the practice of psychology, this specialist attends today in her consultation both children as adults or adolescents and in addition, she also tends very often to treat couples who may be going through a difficult time within their relationship. As we can see if we finally decide to go to the consultation of this professional, there will really be very few problems for which we will not be able to receive an effective treatment.

If you think that you may suffer from a possible addiction, an anxiety problem or you simply have very low self-esteem, you should take into account that being treated by part of this specialist you will be able to obtain all the tools you need to be able to face with the maximum guarantees against any of these problematic.

Thais Guillen is a chartered psychologist who is an expert in both the practice of EMDR therapy and neurolinguistic programming. If you think that you may be going through a somewhat confusing time in your life, you should know that this psychologist offers a service of Coaching with which you will get, to be able to ask all the questions you want in order to improve any aspect of your life everyday.

With the help of this specialist we can successfully treat some of our most unwanted pathologies such as depression, insomnia or anxiety disorders.

Olga Armengol She has a degree in Psychology from the Ramón Llull University and also has a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Among the most remarkable characteristics that this psychologist possesses, it would be interesting for us to take into account that in her consultation we will be able to carry out therapy using Catalan as a language vehicular, a fact that is very likely to be of great interest to us in the event that we express ourselves in a more fluent way when speaking this language in particular.

Receiving therapy in Olga Armengol's office we can obtain great results in the treatment of pathologies such as anxiety, phobias, dysthymia or insomnia.

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