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The 11 best Child Psychologists in Bilbao

Thanks to her more than 30 years of experience in the field of child psychotherapy, Nuria De Minteguía Casadellá She is one of the best professionals in child and adolescent psychotherapy in Bilbao, although she also cares for patients of all ages. This psychologist is part of the team at the Miguel Ángel Psychology and Psychotherapy Center, located in the Santuchu neighborhood.

Nuria De Minteguía has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto and has a Master's degree Health in Child and Adolescent Psychology by the AEPCCC (Spanish Association of Cognitive Clinical Psychology Behavioral). She is also an Intervention Expert with Time-Limited Psychotherapy for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders (by the European Institute of Time-Limited Psychotherapy).

This psychologist can help children and adolescents who suffer from problems such as learning disorders due to dyslexia or communication problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and cases of enuresis and encopresis, among other One of the most recommended child psychologists in Bilbao thanks to her training and her long career.

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Idoia Castro Ugalde She is a psychologist with more than 20 years of professional experience treating patients of all ages, and she is also the Director of the Abra Psicólogos center, located in the Bilbao Old Town.

This professional has training in both the clinical and forensic fields, given that beyond the Degree in Psychology, she has a Master in Mental Health and Psychotherapeutic Techniques and another in Legal Psychology and Forensic.

When it comes to supporting children, this psychologist treats disorders such as disorders of learning and ADHD, school phobias, low self-esteem, poor regulation of emotions, and more.

The team of psychology professionals working in Inpsiko They have experts in child and adolescent therapy with a consolidated professional trajectory and experience treating typical childhood problems.

This entity specialized in mental health has several centers in the Vizcaya area, and in its office in Bilbao it offers assistance and treatment with guarantees for children who may present forms of distress such as ADHD, school phobias, enuresis and encopresis, childhood depression, trauma, dyslexia, and more.

The psychologist Amaia amalur She is another of the most prominent psychologists in Bilbao in the field of Child Psychology.

In the therapy center of which she is co-founder, Psicólogos Aldama, this professional attends all kinds of demands specific in children and adolescents of all ages, in sessions offered electronically and also in a face-to-face.

Her professional intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, consisting of modifying thoughts, current emotions and behaviors of the patient, with the aim of getting them to incorporate new and more adaptive.

In addition to that, the main intervention specialties of Amaia Amalur are behavioral problems, conduct disorders eating disorders, learning disorders, intellectual disability, depression, anxiety disorders and self-esteem problems.

As for his main degrees, a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Deusto, a Master in Update and Psychological Intervention and Health, and also an Expert Training Course in Behavioral Disorders Food.

The psychologist Alazne Díez Abad She is a graduate of the University of Deusto, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and a Training Course on Family Therapy and Systemic Interventions, as well as another on Emotional Intelligence.

At the Loratu center, of which she is the founder, she offers a child psychological therapy service, both online and in person and based on the application of different effective therapies in an integrated way, being some of the most relevant, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Family Systems and Family Therapy and Partner.

In addition to that, some of her main intervention specialties in the field of psychology childhood are cases of depression, emotional problems, family conflicts and trauma.

Sonia de la Peña She graduated with a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto and also has a master's degree in Therapy Family and Couple, the master's degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology and the master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.

This professional is an expert in psychosomatic medicine and in psychopathologies of childhood and adolescence, thus being able to help children and adolescents who suffer problems such as eating disorders, anxiety disorders, irrational fears and bullying situations at school or Institute.

At the psychology center Neusi we can find another of the most notable child psychologists in this Basque city, Ana Isabel Lopez Idarraga.

Ana Isabel López graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto and also has four master's degrees, one in Psychomotricity, another in Clinical Neuropsychology, another in Neurosciences and a fourth in Child and Child Neuropsychology. Developing.

Thanks to this training and years of experience in the field of psychology, this psychologist is an expert in treating children and adolescents with emotional disorders, child-parent trauma, marijuana addictive disorders, and behavior disorders that affect performance school.

Nuria Quintana She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia since 2011 and also has a master's degree in Psychotherapeutic Intervention.

This psychologist has extensive experience in dealing with children and adolescents who encounter problems of aggression, addictive disorders to marijuana and other addictive substances or suffer trauma caused by situations of sexual abuse in the period of childhood.

Miriam turrado She is a psychologist specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy for children, which is one of the currents of psychotherapy most endorsed by the scientific community.

This psychologist graduated from the UPV with a degree in Clinical Psychology, she also has two master's degrees in her curriculum, one in Practical Clinical Psychology and the other in Child and Youth Therapy.

This psychologist offers treatment for children who find their sleep cycle altered by cyclothymic disorders, emotional disorders such as depression or panic attacks due to a bad relationship with the parents.

At the Bilbo psychology center we can find one of the most experienced psychologists when it comes to treating children and adolescents with psychological problems, Carmen Otero Alonso.

This professional graduated in Clinical Specialty Psychology from the University of Deusto and later he studied the master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Camilo José University Cela.

In this way, this psychotherapist offers quality treatments for children and adolescents who suffer cognitive disorders, emotional disorders or suffering from chronic psychological pain that affects social relationships and school performance.

Starting from an eclectic therapy, we find in Ibaiondo a Sergio Timon Lopez.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and also has a master's degree in Limited Time Psychotherapy and Health Psychology.

Thanks to the experience of this professional, Sergio Timón can help children and adolescents who encounter problems such as the inability to manage anger, learning disorders and attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

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