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How MUSSOLINI came to power

How Mussolini came to power

The arrival of the great dictators to power is an element of great importance for history, since the study of the antecedents and causes that person to achieve absolute power in a nation are of great relevance to prevent new similar cases from occur. To talk about the rise to power of one of the great dictators of the Second World War In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about how Mussolini came to power.

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  1. Mussolini before coming to power
  2. Mussolini and fascism
  3. The rise to power of Mussolini

Mussolini before coming to power.

To talk about the figure of Mussolini and about his great rise to become the dictatorial leader of Italy we must know his life, in order to understand his path to power from his beginning.

Benito Mussolinihe was born in 1883 from the marriage between a blacksmith and a teacher, she being the one who instilled in him the values ​​about the importance of a good education. Mussolini was a difficult student, since there are several cases in which he faced other students, causing him to be expelled from numerous schools from an early age.

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From a very young Mussolini he was a member of the Socialist Party, by paternal influence, although his thought was very far from the party's thought, and since his entry he had numerous discussions with his comrades.

Fleeing mandatory military service From Italy, the young Mussolini went to Switzerland, where he worked in numerous towns with temporary jobs. He was expelled from the Swiss country on two occasions, especially for his collaborations in syndicalist and anarchist newspapers.

After years in Switzerland, he returned to Italy when a pardon was given to people who had fled military service. During the following years, Mussolini began to gain presence in the socialist party, he found love and he was imprisoned of him on numerous occasions, maintaining that struggle that he always had with authority.

Later, Mussolini fought in the First World War, being the moment in which he began to write his ideological texts and where he began to see his fascist thought for the future of Italy.

How Mussolini came to power - Mussolini before he came to power

Image: Slideshare

Mussolini and fascism.

To know how Mussolini came to power, we have to understand his ideology. The future dictator showed his anger in numerous texts for the way in which Italy had treated its soldiers after the defeat in the First War World Cup, since he believed that the people who had put their lives on the line for the good of the country deserved a greater recognition.

This spirit was joined by another from all of Italian society: after the end of the First World War, a great agreement had been signed called the Treaty of Versailles, being one of the big losers both economically and territorially Italy. In this situation, the protests of soldiers and workers were more and more numerous, they were looking for a leader to follow and Mussolini filled in that hollow with great speeches in which he accused the socialists and communists of being the cause of all the pains of the lower classes of Italy.

On March 23, 1919 he created the fasci italiani di combattimento, being a series of armed groups which he launched against any conference of socialists and communists and which served as the basis for founding the National Fascist Party of Italy, which was founded in 1921. Soon after, Mussolini was arrested for possession of weapons and other illegal items, but his influence was so enormous that he was released in no time.

In 1921, after a huge campaign against socialists, communists and anarchists, and winning the favor of businessmen and the angry lower classes after the end of the war, Mussolini was appointed deputy.

How Mussolini came to power - Mussolini and fascism

Image: Notes Santander La Salle

The coming to power of Mussolini.

To finish this lesson on how Mussolini came to power, we must talk about his rise from his position as deputy to being appointed as the supreme dictator of the Italian nation.

The victory in the elections brought a greater relevance of the calls black shirts, being this one voluntary militia of the fascist party and whose mission was to bring violence to create tension in Italian society. The violence of the black shirts and their pickets was on the rise and the Socialists sought peaceful agreements with Mussolini that never worked. Little by little, these violent groups they were taking the main cities of Italy, initiating a fascist revolution in which they were taking control of the nation by conquering cities.

Seeing the great success of his campaign, Mussolini decided to take power from Italy and he rallied in Naples with a huge number of black shirts and proclaiming the right of the fascists to rule the nation.

After that, the black shirts they surrounded the Italian capital of Rome, the head of government asked King Victor Emmanuel III to proclaim a state of siege to protect the city, but he refused and gave Mussolini freedom to form a government. The next day Mussolini entered the city on the call march on rome, taking power as president of the Council.

In the following months, Mussolini's government took power little by little, using all possible legal mechanisms, and over time, Mussolini became a full-power leader for life, initiating the fascist dictatorship of Italy.

The rise to power of Mussolini influenced numerous right-wing parties in Europe, they saw how fascism could be salvation for the nations that had suffered the most from the consequences of the First World War.

How Mussolini Came to Power - Mussolini's Coming to Power

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