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The 7 types of gender violence (and characteristics)

A woman arrives at the hospital due to a series of injuries. A bruise to the eye, burns, scratches on the back, a fractured wrist, damage to the genital tract, a history of visits to the hospital for alleged falls... Although they may be due to many different causes, the combined presence of these factors raises suspicions of the existence of gender violence.

This type of violence is a problem that still remains in today's society and that has taken the lives of many people, murdered at the hands of their partner. But gender violence is not limited to physical aggression. There are different types of gender violence, which distorts and undermines a person's situation because of her gender.

The concept of gender violence

It is understood by gender violence (or sexist violence, according to other sources) to all that type of violence that is carried out violating the physical, mental or relational well-being of a person due to their sex or gender identity. Aggression is used intentionally, whether by physical force or, with the purpose of causing harm, coercing, limiting or manipulating the person subjected to violence.

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This type of violence can have devastating effects on victims. On a physical level, serious injuries can occur that can lead to incapacitation, coma or even death. On a psychological level, it is frequent that people who suffer gender violence are not able to report, generally due to fear of possible repercussions for themselves or their loved ones, the presence of disbelief or the belief that they will not be supported.

It is also not uncommon for victims to feel guilty or responsible for the situation or to fear causing pain to others (for example, in the presence of children). Even depending on the type of education received or the time that the victim has been manipulated, they may come to think that it is normal behavior and / or that they feel worthy of it.


Generally the aggressor acts motivated by the desire for power and domination, and is frequently influenced by gender stereotypes. Generally behind it there is feelings of insecurity Y low self esteem that is tried to supply through the domination of who the individual considers inferior or incapable of facing it.

It is also possible that there is an exaggerated self-esteem with narcissistic overtones that produces that their own rights are considered above those of the rest. In some cases, there may be instrumental abuse directed at a specific objective. Finally, the absence of empathy it is a phenomenon and / or uncontrolled impulsivity can facilitate aggression.

Distinguishing types of aggressions

When we talk about gender violence, we usually think of situations in which there are aggressions within a couple. The most common situation of gender violence is that of a man who commits a series of abuses continuous and systematic a woman by the fact of being a woman, whom she considers inferior or pretends to dominate.

That is why gender violence is frequently confused with violence against women or men. However, it must not be forgotten that there are also men who suffer this type of violence by their partners. In addition, although it is not usually considered gender violence as it is not based on sex or identity sexual violence, the existence of intimate partner violence should not be forgotten in couples of people of the same sex. That is why nowadays, more than gender violence, we should talk about intimate partner violence.

Types of gender violence

As indicated above, the concept of gender violence includes a wide variety of attitudes and actions that can harm the person from different dimensions. After all, there are many ways to harm a person.

Although not in all cases the person is attacked from all areas, within gender violence we can find the following types of violence.

1. Physical violence

The most visible and recognized as gender violence, Physical violence is considered to be any act in which physical harm is inflicted on the victim that through direct aggression. Such damage can be temporary or permanent.

This type of violence includes blows, wounds, fractures, scratches. While sometimes they can be trivialized or considered to occur during an argument, shoving and shaking also fall under the category of physical violence. Physical incapacitation can occur due to the consequences of the assaults, and even depending on the level of damage caused, it can lead to death.

2. Psychological violence

This type of violence is characterized because, although on a physical level there may not be an aggression, the victim is humiliated, undervalued and psychologically attacked. This attack can be direct and actively carried out in the form of insults and humiliation or carried out carried out in a more passive way, devaluing the couple without their considering that they are suffering a attack.

Psychological violence includes the presence of humiliation, threats and coercion (using in some cases the threat of physical aggression to the victim or close friends), contempt and devaluation. Also make the person feel defenseless, obliged to do certain actions and dependent on the aggressor, guilty of the situation of abuse and deserving of punishment.

Due to the fact that on many occasions a direct aggressiveness is not perceived in the message, many victims are not aware of being mistreated and do not take action against the aggressor. It can be considered that practically in all cases of gender-based violence, regardless of its type and motive, there is psychological violence.

  • Related article: "Profile of the psychological abuser: 21 traits in common"

3. Sexual violence

Although in some way it could be considered within physical violence, sexual violence refers specifically to those types of situations in which a person is forced or coerced to carry out activities of a sexual nature against their will, or because sexuality is limited or imposed by another person.

There is no need for penetration or sexual intercourse to occur. It includes the presence of rape within the couple, forced prostitution, forced conception or abortion, genital mutilation, sexual harassment or unwanted touching, among others.

  • It may interest you: "Psychological profile of the rapist: 12 traits and attitudes in common"

4. Economic violence

This type of violence is based on the reduction and deprivation of economic resources from the partner or their offspring as a measure of coercion, manipulation or with the intention of damaging their integrity. It is also considered as such the fact of forcing to depend economically on the aggressor, preventing the victim's access to the labor market through threat, coercion or physical restriction.

5. Patrimonial violence

Patrimonial violence is considered the usurpation or destruction of objects, goods and properties of the person who is the victim of violence with the intention of dominating them or causing them psychological damage. In many ways, these assets are the fruit of decades of work, and destroying them is a way of showing that all those efforts have been for nothing. However, it should be noted that this type of aggression can affect other people at the same time, especially neighbors.

6. Social violence

Social violence is based on the limitation, control and induction of the person's social isolation. The victim is separated from family and friends, depriving her of social support and distancing her from her usual environment. Sometimes the victim is put against her environment, causing the victim or environment to decide to disassociate themselves.

For example, attacks against the facade of the home are very characteristic of this type of violence, since that allow to leave visible signs throughout the world that the victim deserves to be attacked in full view of everyone.

7. Vicarious violence

A large number of couples in which gender-based violence occurs have children. On many occasions, the aggressor decides to threaten, attack and even kill said children with the purpose of harming their partner or ex-partner.

This type of violence is called vicarious violence, which also includes the harm caused to minors by the observation of abuse between parents. The psychological impact is what is sought, through control, submission and aggression against people who are not directly involved in the core of the conflict.

Beware: gender violence is not only in the couple

When we think of gender violence, the first thing we think of is the existence of mistreatment in partner situations. But gender-based violence is not specific to the area of ​​the couple, but can occur in multiple areas without the need for the perpetrator to be a spouse. Institutions, the family and society in general can also be places where situations of gender violence appear like the previous ones.

It is necessary to work in order to prevent and raise awareness among citizens, educating in different aspects such as tolerance to diversity, equal rights and opportunities and emotional education in order to avoid new situations of violence against gender.

Bibliographic references:

  • Durán, M. (2004). Legal-feminist analysis of the Organic Law of Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence. Article 14. A gender perspective. Information and Legal Analysis Bulletin. Andalusian Institute for Women.

  • Kilmartin, C; Allison, J. TO. (2007). Men's Violence Against Women: Theory, Research, and Activism. Routledge.

  • Organic Law of Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence of December 28, 2004, BOE of December 29, 2004.

  • Lorente, M. (2001). My husband hit me normal. Aggression against women: facts and myths. Ares y Mares, Editorial Crítica, Madrid.

  • Pérez, J.M.; Montalvo, A. (2010). Gender violence: analysis and approach to its causes and consequences. Gender violence: prevention, detection and attention. Editorial Group.

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