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The 10 best Coaches in León (Spain)

The professional Jesus Mª Pérez she is a specialist in offering a quality coaching service aimed at both adults individually and in couples and families, through sessions offered in person or remotely depending on the needs of the person attended.

Graduated in Contemporary History from the University of Valladolid, this specialized coach has a Master's degree in Family Psychology and Couple, with a Professional and Personal Coaching Training Course, another Mindfulness Training Course and a third Accompaniment course Family.

Among her intervention specialties, emotional problems, conflicts family, low self-esteem, stress, relationship problems and deficits in the management of go to.

The Health Psychologist Ruth Fernández Matía She is another of the most prominent coaches in the city of León and in her consultation she attends people of all ages, as well as couples, both online and in person.

Throughout more than 15 years of experience, this professional has specialized in treating cases of depression and anxiety, the disorder bipolar, couple crises, addictions, emotional problems, low self-esteem and problems derived from pregnancy or Birth.

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Her intervention is based on a cognitive-behavioral approach, integrated together with Acceptance Therapy and Commitment, Coaching or Family and Couple Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each person served.

Graduated in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, this psychologist and coach also has a Master's Degree in Therapy Cognitive-behavioral and Behavior Modification, another Master in Health and Psychosocial Psychology and a Training Course on Self-esteem and Positive Psychology.

The General Health Psychologist Marta Garcia Cabezas He is a specialist in serving children, adolescents, adults, couples and families, both in person and online, with all the comforts.

Some of his most notable qualifications are a Graduate in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, he has a Master's Degree in Family and Couples Therapy, a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology and a Training Course in Therapy EMDR.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, applied in conjunction with other effective guidelines such as EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness or Positive Psychology.

In addition to that, some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses are school difficulties, self-esteem problems, depression, family conflict, divorce proceedings, youth violence, ADHD, and oppositional disorder challenging.

The psychologist Jose Martin del Pliego He has an experience of more than 20 years serving both adolescents and adults as well as couples who have some kind of problem in their day-to-day life and currently offers a face-to-face psychological care service and on-line.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, this therapist has a Master's degree in Sexology by the Sexpol Foundation, another Master in Clinical Psychology and a third Master in Interaction Therapy Reciprocal.

The specialty of the psychologist José Martín del Pliego is to apply the therapies that best suit the individual at all times. problem of each person attended, to first identify the causes of discomfort and consequently can get over it.

Some of the therapies that this professional masters are Hypnosis, Brief Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Coaching, with which he attends with successful cases of depression or anxiety, addictions, trauma, cases of sexual abuse, deficits in the management of anger and obesity.

The psychologist and coach Montserrat González López Throughout his career, he has specialized in offering a personal coaching service aimed at people of all ages, as well as guidance and family and couple mediation.

Likewise, some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses are anxiety disorders, emotional dependence, phobias, dependence on new technologies, low self-esteem, cases of sexual abuse, family violence and harassment school.

The main qualifications of this professional are a Bachelor of Psychology from the University from Oviedo, in addition to having extensive training in EMDR Therapy, Humanist Therapy, Mindfulness and Coaching.

The psychologist Maria Belen Garcia Fernandez She graduated from the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 2006, she has a Master's Degree in Cognitive-behavioral therapy and she is a specialist in Eating, Obesity and Behavior Disorders Food.

In her psychology office located in León, this professional offers a Personal Coaching service and also Nutritional for people who may have eating disorders, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or nutrition inadequate.

Her intervention is aimed at people of all ages, as well as couples and others from her specialties in the field of psychological therapy are cases of gender violence, addictions and dysfunctions sexual.

The Clinical Psychologist Mª Teresa Fernández Porrero She runs her own psychology center in León, where she offers a Nutritional and Personal Coaching service to children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families.

With more than 30 years of experience, this professional has a Master's Degree in Human Resources, a Higher Course in Speech Therapy and extensive training in Family Therapy and Mediation.

Regarding her intervention specialties, depression, anxiety, disorders of eating behavior, child sexual abuse, grieving processes, enuresis and conflict relatives.

Vanessa Carreño She is the director of the Coaching To Be center in León, where she offers a professional coaching service aimed at adults from any age they may have problems in the area of ​​personal relationships, self-esteem or dependency emotional.

Her intervention is based on making the person served feel accompanied and understood at all times and some of their Her specialties are also strengthening self-confidence, positive self-worth, and learning to love oneself. same.

The Health Psychologist and coach Isabel Álvarez San Martín She is a specialist in Personal Coaching and her services are offered to adults, adolescents and also couples and families who request it.

Her intervention integrates therapies of proven efficacy such as the cognitive-behavioral approach and Mindfulness, being some of her her specialties, couple crises, eating disorders, grieving processes, anxiety disorders and parenting problems of the children.

Esther alonso She is a Personal Coach, Executive Coach and Entrepreneur Coach, Certified by the International School of Coaching, she has extensive training in Neurolinguistic Programming, Mindfulness and Liberation Techniques Emotional.

This professional has more than 20 years of experience in the business field and her intervention is aimed at adults, executives and entrepreneurs who want to progress personally or professionally, increase their leadership, enhance their own skills or improve their relationships interpersonal.

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