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The 9 best expert Psychologists in Mindfulness in Vitoria

The psychologist Alvaro Ruiz de Ocenda He has an experience of more than 20 years and currently offers in his practice an integrative intervention based on Mindfulness among other therapies. This therapy modality has proven to be successful in cases of stress, chronic pain and cases of insomnia both in adults and in couples and families.

Thus, some of the other specialties that this professional addresses through Mindfulness Therapy or mindfulness in line with other therapies are cases of depression or anxiety, emotional problems and conflicts with a partner.

The psychologist Arantxa Aguirre Uriarte she cares for both children and adolescents as well as adults through an integrative therapy in which they intervene different orientations such as Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and the different techniques of relaxation.

Among the services offered by this professional are mainly intervention in learning difficulties, anxiety disorders, addictions, phobias and stress.

The psychologist

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Francisco Javier de las Rozas García is a specialist in applying an integrative therapy based on Mindfulness, Therapy Cognitive-behavioral and also virtual reality techniques in people of all ages and children to from 5 years.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and among her therapy specialties cases of insomnia, generalized anxiety disorders, social phobia and depression.

The General Health Psychologist Marina Muñoz Martin she offers Mindfulness sessions both individually and for groups at a very affordable price. Her intervention is adapted to the characteristics of each person and is offered in an integrated way with other therapies.

Thus, some of the benefits that her therapy provides, both in adolescents, as well as in children and adults are the intervention in panic attacks, stress cases, relaxation problems and also problems of self-esteem.

The psychologist Amparo San Miguel Summer She is specialized in offering a Mindfulness service in line with other guidelines that have shown its effectiveness in adults and couples.

Some of his intervention specialties are addictions, anxiety disorders, stress cases, depression and sexual dysfunctions.

The psychologist Blanca López de Etxazarreta offers a Mindfulness service in adults, couples and families with the aim that people regain the ability to relax at any time and achieve the inner serenity so important in the day to day.

Her intervention with Mindfulness has proven to be effective in reducing stress levels, increasing attention span and creativity, and also in emotional control.

The psychologist Arantxa Sabando offers a psychotherapy service specialized in Mindfulness and other relaxation techniques for anyone who may need it.

Some of the benefits of his therapy translate into an improvement in cases of chronic pain, cases of depression, anxiety and also in cases of stress.

The psychologist Oscar Martinez Zulueta He is a specialist in Mindfulness and has an experience of more than 20 years in the field of professional therapy.

In her consultation, she offers a psychotherapy and Mindfulness service for both those who may have some kind of problem as for those who want to learn the operation of said technique.

The psychologist Alfonso Labeaga directs and coordinates the Crecando human development center, where a Mindfulness service is offered in addition to other techniques such as yoga or meditation.

His intervention is carried out in an integrated way with other therapies such as humanistic and aims to achieve well-being and relaxation in the person.

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