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The 15 best Psychologists in Ávila

The psychologist Jose Martin del Pliego She has an experience of more than 20 years of experience in the field of professional therapy, in which she she has specialized in treating all types of emotional and behavioral disorders in adolescents, adults and couples

In her intervention, she applies different therapies with proven evidence such as Brief Strategic Therapy or emotional release techniques, and some her specialties are agoraphobia and social phobia, conduct disorders, self-esteem problems and conduct disorders sexual.

The psychologist Maria Martin She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, a Master in General Health Psychology from the UNIR, a Master in Direction and Management Emotional of People by the UEMC and has a Training Course of Personal Development and Emotional Intelligence by the Camilo University José Cela.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adults of all ages and also couples who are going through a bad time in their relationship, through an online therapy service with all the comforts possible.

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Among her intervention specialties, cases of alcoholism, substance abuse, video game and internet addiction, low self-esteem, anxiety and sex addiction stand out.

Lorena gonzalez She is a psychologist specialized in adults, and founder of Serena Psicología Online, a psychological assistance center by video call specifically geared towards the care of women, and which offers sessions the seven days of the week.

This professional has a lot of experience intervening in disorders such as depression, work stress, codependency in relationships, emotional crises from divorce, low self-esteem, and other forms of discomfort very common.

The platform Psychology 360 It is one of the most recommended in the field of online psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may have emotional or behavioral problems.

The center's intervention is based on the integrated application of different effective therapies in order to provide the best possible care each of the client's demands, the most common being Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

Among the many areas that are successfully addressed in the 360 ​​Psychology center, family or relationship problems, the depression, anxiety and stress, low self-esteem, eating disorders, sexuality disorders and ADHD.

The psychologist Kryusman Bibiana Leon She has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Cooperative University of Colombia, a Higher Degree of Expert in Positive Psychology, a Master in Labor Organizational Psychology and a third Higher Degree in Mindfulness and Management Emotional.

Throughout more than 15 years of experience, this professional has specialized in applying a method of own intervention based on the integration of therapies such as Mindfulness and Psychology Positive.

His services are offered online to adults of all ages and some of his main intervention specialties are cases of depression and stress, low self-esteem, codependency, divorce processes, chronic pain and emotional problems.

The psychologist William Miatello He has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba and a Master's degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires.

Throughout more than 10 years of experience, this therapist has specialized in attending online to teenagers, young people, adults, couples and also families who are going through a bad time in their lives.

His intervention is based on the joint application of various highly effective therapies and in his consultation you will find a professional specialized in deal with cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, sexual and relationship disorders, eating disorders and dependence emotional.

The psychologist Myriam Muñoz García is one of the professionals who offer the best services in terms of intervention in adults, adolescents and children. For this he will apply Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, based on modifying negative thoughts and emotions in the person, in order to achieve a behavioral change.

Anyone who is interested in the services of this psychologist, will find in her consultation a specialized intervention in everything types of disorders and problems, among which we highlight low self-esteem, conduct disorders and anxiety.

The psychologist Ana Maria Order Diaz she is also specialized in offering psychological care at a distance for adults who can need it, turning completely to the well-being of the person and to solve their problem sooner.

Some of her specialties are self-esteem problems, phobias of all kinds, post-traumatic stress disorder and any problems that may exist in the area of ​​the couple.

The psychologist Sara Garcia Martin She offers an online therapy specialized in the child, youth and family field, so that anyone who is specialized in this type of therapy, will find in his consultation the place ideal.

Among her intervention specialties we can highlight problems of anxiety, stress, phobias, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and also relationship problems.

The psychologist Cristina Garrido Jimenez She is an expert in the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in patients of all ages, through the online modality and for any problem they may have.

Thus, some of the specialties that we can find in her consultation are, the problems behavioral disorders, depressive and anxiety disorders, as well as deficit hyperactivity disorder of attention.

The clinical psychologist Chelo diaz She has more than 10 years of professional experience and is an expert in tackling any type of problem that arises in the lives of adults and couples through the online modality.

Among her multiple intervention specialties, we can mainly highlight psychosomatic disorders, anxiety disorders and crises within the couple.

The psychologist Maria Aylón She has almost 20 years of experience and offers professional psychological care for patients of all ages, that is, adults, adolescents and children.

The work of this professional is based on a Cognitive-behavioral approach, whose objective is to modify thoughts of the person and their way of conceiving reality to also change their emotions or maladaptive behaviors with the half.

The psychologist Teresa Martin Muñoz also offers an online therapeutic intervention for adults who have some type of emotional or physical distress in their lives and need professional guidance from a therapist skilled.

In her consultation we will find a quality psychological intervention based on both an excellent academic training and a close work and attentive to the needs of the person.

The psychologist Sofia Casado Vazquez He is also a specialist in offering online therapy for people of all ages in a way individual and also in the family environment, in which he will offer solutions for any conflict or relationship negative.

Besides that, his main intervention specialties are panic attacks, behavior disorders in children and anxiety disorders.

In the consultation of the General Health Psychologist Fernando Díez Serrano we will find an online intervention to offer solutions in emotional, cognitive or behavioral problems.

The work of this professional will help anyone to identify their problem, understand their suffering and obtain the necessary tools to overcome it and achieve permanent well-being in their lives.

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