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Top 10 Detox Centers in Picassent

Llaurant la Llum is a psychological clinic with a history of more than 30 years in the treatment of people with problems addiction to different types of substances, offering personalized treatment to each of their patients.

The clinic has an excellent psychological and medical team that allows it to offer the appropriate treatment using different specialists, to give a holistic approach with which to respond to the different faces of the same trouble.

The center Without Addictions is led by the renowned psychologist Sara meca, and it is a clinic focused on the treatment of different types of addictions which has a history of 10 years in this field of clinical psychology.

The team of professionals is specialized in the treatment of dual pathology, which consists of an addictive disorder linked to a behavioral disorder. This allows deeper and more effective treatment of patients admitted to the center.

Luis Miguel Real Kotbani has its own psychological center specialized in the treatment of patients affected by different types of addictions and behavior disorders, in addition to treating people with impulsivity and anxiety disorders, depression and stress.

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Luis Miguel has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, in addition to being specialized in the treatment of pathologies related to drug dependence, having obtained very positive results in their patients.

NOT is a detoxification center located in Valencia which is specialized in the treatment of addictive behaviors. It elaborates personalized treatments for each type of patient, having cared for people addicted to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

In the center you can find a large team of professionals who are experts in psychological care for people with disorders, which will develop the most effective therapy for you to overcome the addiction as soon as possible possible.

CC Addictions is a detoxification center specialized in the treatment of addictive behaviors, which range from addiction to alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and other types of addictive substances.

It collaborates with two of the most important organizations in Valencia in the area of ​​addictions, such as the Valencian Institute for Addiction Treatment (IVATAD) and the AMAS. It also has a team of excellent specialists who will put all their effort into improving your personal situation.

Ivatad Valencia Addictions is a psychological center for the treatment of people with some type of addiction such as gambling, alcoholism, or addiction to other drugs such as cocaine or cannabis, in addition to treating conduct disorders and dependence that these generate drugs

They perform a therapy based on group and individual therapy, collaborating directly with the patient and their family environment, so that the treatment is effective both in the medium and in the long term, avoiding possible relapses.

Addiction Syndrome is a center specialized in addiction treatment which has a team of psychologists specialized in various areas, using third-generation techniques to treat patients with drug addiction.

During the history of the center, they have been able to attend to patients affected by different types of addictions, acting quickly and effectively on the main causes of the problem.

The center You love is run by Alicia Mas, a renowned psychologist with a degree in Psychology and a Master in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction and other addictive behaviors, from the University of Valencia.

Maria Ángeles Morán also works at the center, an excellent professional with more than 40 years of experience. experience in clinical psychology and in caring for patients affected by disorders addictive.

The Valenciapsic Clinic is led by the renowned psychologist Sara Meca, who has a degree in Psychology and a Master in Serious Dual Pathology from CEU University, in addition to having completed a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation of Addictive Behaviors, for the UCV.

Throughout her professional career, she has been able to care for patients affected by addictions to different types of substances, and with behavioral disorders, a very common diagnosis of dual pathology, she being an excellent professional in this area.

The Víctor Tornero Psychology Clinic is a center specialized in the treatment of patients affected by different types of addictive disorders, led by the well-known psychologist Víctor Tornero.

This psychologist has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, being a great expert in pathologies

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