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Anorexia nervosa: symptoms, causes and treatment

The imposition of absolutely impossible beauty canons by society is increasingly on the rise and although there are many revolutions that we are experiencing that aim to change them, still generate a strong impact on the mind and self-esteem of the people.

One of the direct consequences of these beauty models is the appearance and increase in cases of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa. Throughout this article we will talk about the characteristics of this disorder, as well as its symptoms, causes and possible treatments.

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What is anorexia nervosa?

Within the classification of eating disorders we find a disorder known as anorexia nervosa, or simply anorexia. Although it occurs mainly in women, this disease affects more and more men, and causes in those who suffer it the need to restrict your dietary intake, with the consequent loss of weight.

The goal of this behavior pattern is to lose body mass, since people with anorexia feel that they are overweight even when they are under the recommended weight for their height and age

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. This makes anorexia a highly dangerous disorder, since it can lead to death from malnutrition, or causing illness due to weakening of body and system tissues immune.

This decrease in body weight can reach dangerously low levels, since limiting the intake of food is caused by an exacerbated fear of losing weight coupled with a distorted perception of one's own Body.

This means that no matter how thin or how much weight the person loses, it is never enough, since when looking in the mirror will continue to perceive a distorted body figure that does not fit the reality. Which leads the patient to make all kinds of sacrifices around food.

Among these sacrifices are all kinds of behaviors aimed at the goal of losing weight, If not, people with anorexia nervosa excessively limit the amount of food they eat. In the same way, they may resort to purgative behaviors, the use of laxatives and diuretics, and exercising excessively to burn calories.

The reality is that in anorexia the way in which the patient tries to lose weight is not relevant, but the exaggerated fear that he experiences that it will increase.

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What is the difference from bulimia?

Although the aforementioned purgative behaviors may be associated with another eating disorder known as bulimia, there are a number of differences essential between both disorders: In anorexia these purgative episodes do not always occur, while in bulimia it is an essential requirement for the diagnosis.

In bulimia, the person eats large amounts of food, generally high in calories, in a short space of time. They are called binge eating. However, in anorexia the person avoid eating at all costs and keep an exhaustive control of calories.

Anorexic people are characterized by having a dangerously low body weight, while in bulimia they usually have a normative weight or even above what is recommended.

  • Related article: "Bulimia nervosa: binge eating and vomiting disorder"

What are the symptoms?

As we mentioned before, the main symptoms of anorexia are related to refusal or restriction of food intake, low weight and excessive fear of gaining weight.

However, there is a wide variety of symptoms within this eating disorder. These symptoms can be classified into two groups: physical symptoms and behavioral and emotional symptoms.

1. Physical symptoms

The physical symptoms of anorexia nervosa include:

  • Excessively thin appearance.
  • Unconscionable weight loss.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Insomnia.
  • Dizziness
  • Fades.
  • Abnormal levels of the different blood elements.
  • Blue coloration of the fingers of the hand.
  • Amenorrhea
  • Hair loss.
  • Constipation.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Arterial hypopressure
  • Dehydration.
  • Osteoporosis.

2. Behavioral symptoms

It includes all those behaviors that the person carries out in order to lose weight. Among them are:

  • Strict restriction of food intake.
  • Exercising excessively.
  • Purging behaviors and use of laxatives, enemas, or diuretics.

3. Emotional symptoms

Anorexia nervosa is characterized by presenting emotional symptoms that include the following aspects:

  • Experimentation of a intense fear of gaining weight.
  • Excessive preoccupation with food.
  • Denial of the feeling of hunger.
  • Lying about food eaten.
  • Irritability.
  • Social withdrawal or isolation.
  • Alexithymia or inability to experience and manifest emotions.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Suicidal ideations.
  • Lack of interest in sex.

How can it be detected?

Some of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa can be difficult to identify at first glance, since the person himself is aware of them and they do their best to hide them.

However, there are a series of warning signs or behaviors that we can look at if we are not medical professionals and we want to determine if someone in our environment suffers from this condition.

Among these signs are:

  • Skip meals constantly.
  • Come up with an excuse not to eat.
  • Rigorous selection of foods, generally low in calories.
  • Weigh yourself continuously.
  • Ongoing complaints regarding your weight.
  • Avoid eating in public.
  • Change your dress codes, using more and more layers.

What are the causes?

At the moment it has not been possible to determine a specific or exact cause that causes the appearance of anorexia nervosa, so it is hypothesized that there are a number of both biological and psychological factors and the environment that precipitate it.

The experience of personal or social events that are traumatic or highly emotionally charged can play a fundamental role in determining the appearance of this eating disorder.

In addition, recent studies point to the possibility that there are a series of genes associated with the behaviors typical of anorexia, such as compulsions, depression, perfectionism and emotional sensitivity. However, at the moment no gene or organic pathology directly related to anorexia has been found.

Is there a treatment?

Anorexia nervosa it is a very serious disorder that, in the case of not being treated, can have fatal consequences for the person. To the point that statistics reveal that 10% of untreated cases of severe anorexia end with the death of the patient.

Due to the seriousness that the situation can reach, it is essential to carry out an effective diagnosis and start treatment sooner.

A key piece in the effectiveness of the treatment is found in the involvement of the patient's environment in the treatment. This intervention includes psychotherapy, in which psychological work is carried out on the emotional and cognitive aspects of the disorder, including distorted body perception.

In the same way, it should be done somatic and physical monitoring of the person, as well as the elaboration of a series of nutritional guidelines that help the person in their reconciliation with food.

Finally, in some cases it is possible to resort to pharmacological treatment through antidepressants or anxiolytics, which reduce the intensity of the symptoms and facilitate psychological work.

Unfortunately, anorexia nervosa is a disorder with a high risk of relapse, so both family members and medical professionals should be attentive to the development of the patient.

Bibliographic references:

  • Attia, E. (2010). Anorexia nervosa: current status and future directions. Annual Review of Medicine. 61 (1): pp. 425 - 435.
  • Casper, R.C. (1998). Depression and eating disorders. Depression and Anxiety. 8 (1): pp. 96 - 104.
  • There's P. (2013). A systematic review of evidence for psychological treatments in eating disorders: 2005-2012. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 46 (5): pp. 462 - 469.
  • Kaye W (April 2008). Neurobiology of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Physiology & Behavior. 94 (1): pp. 121 - 135.
  • Surgenor, L.J.; Maguire, S. (2013). Assessment of anorexia nervosa: an overview of universal issues and contextual challenges. Journal of Eating Disorders. 1(1): 29.

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