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The 75 best phrases of Mick Jagger

Michael Philip Jagger, better known as Mick jagger, he is a famous rock singer, born during the year 1943 in the town of Dartford, in the southeast of England.

Commonly known for being the lead singer of the rock band "The Rolling Stones," Jagger is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable voices in music history. During his musical career, this famous singer has sold millions of copies, and toured the world with his concerts.

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Mick Jagger famous quotes and phrases

Many of you will already know the music of this great celebrity, but would you like to also know the most iconic phrases of him?

Below you can discover the 75 best phrases of Mick Jagger, the most mythical rolling stone, with which you will learn multiple curiosities about his peculiar personality.

1. In these fifty years of career I have learned that you start out playing rock and roll to be able to have sex and take drugs, and you end up taking drugs to be able to play rock and roll and have sex.

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Drugs can dominate our lives if we are not strong enough, rock stars have always suffered from this particular ailment.

2. It was very, very difficult to drop out of college for music, because my parents obviously didn't want me to drop out.

Leaving university is something very difficult for any young person to do, our parents will never allow us.

3. As long as my face is on the cover, I don't care what they say about me on page seventeen.

AdvertisingAlthough it is bad, it is always publicity, being in the spotlight will allow us to be more successful.

4. I am not a businessman.

In this quote, Jagger reveals this curiosity about him, business has never been his strong suit.

5. Every now and then, every four or five years, they tell me that I've run out of money and I have to go do some more.

Working is essential to having money, being lazy will not allow us to accumulate wealth in the long run.

6. I'd rather be dead than sing "Satisfaction" when I'm forty-five.

In his youth Jagger did not want to play this song all his life, today it is one of his biggest and most outstanding hits.

7. You don't always get what you want, but if you try, you get what you need.

Fighting for our dreams will allow us to achieve them in the future, we must be persistent in our life.

8. I don't think you necessarily have to be black, poor, and depressed to be a bluesman.

The blues has always been one of the musical styles most valued by this great singer. The blues, as we all know, is wonderful.

9. If you lose your dreams, it is very likely that you will lose your mind.

We must keep our dreams and try to make them come true, our dedication will be the key to realizing them.

10. Keith Richards (guitarist for the Rolling Stones) hasn't written a good rock and roll song in almost 35 years.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards undoubtedly have a very particular relationship, throughout their lives their friendship has suffered clear ups and downs.

11. Bono is a poet, a philosopher, and one night at one of his concerts, I thought I saw him walk on water.

Jagger's sense of humor has always been a great characteristic of his character, in this quote, Jagger tells us about Bono, the well-known singer of the mythical band U2.

12. I have managed to avoid getting tattoos to date.

Today, everyone has tattoos and in the future it will be someone strange who does not have them.

13. I am not evil. What happens is that everyone looks for me when there is a girl in my room.

Like any good rock and roll star, Jagger has always shown his great fondness for the female gender.

14. When I turn 33, I retire. That is the moment when a man has to dedicate himself to other things.

We should all think about retiring one day, today and with more than 70 years, this mythical vocalist is still active.

15. I do not allow myself to be overwhelmed by the customs of a society that is too concerned with keeping the forms without caring about the background.

Today society is very complicated for certain people, the principles and values ​​that previously guided us, have ceased to exist.

16. Life is just a cocktail on the street.

Taking life too seriously is not worth it, we must learn to enjoy the little things.

17. The most disgusting woman I ever knew? Pamela Des Barres, with the detail that women are not disgusting; she is a man.

Pamela Des Barres is a former fan of this mythical band, as we can see, Jagger did not have a good impression of her when he met her.

18. Rock is no longer rebellious, because parents and children listen to it together.

Today, rock is an intergenerational style of music, it unites several generations.

19. Sometimes it is advisable not to grow.

Being in connection with our inner child can be a very positive thing in our life.

20. Thank you for leaving us alone, but for paying us enough attention to boost our egos.

Everyone needs their own space to reflect, the Rolling also need a break from time to time.

21. If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing it.

We must remember the great moments at their best, we must not hide our enthusiasm for something.

22. It's okay to let go, as long as you can recover.

We must enjoy life, but always having a certain self-control.

23. Anarchy is the only glimmer of hope.

A very curious way of understanding anarchy, many musicians consider themselves or have considered anarchists.

24. I have unpleasant habits; I have tea at three.

As a good Englishman, Jagger is a great tea drinker.

25. My mother has always been unhappy with what I do. I'd rather I did something more enjoyable, like being a bricklayer.

How lucky we fans of good music were when Jagger became part of it, his talent could not be wasted.

26. I don't want to be a rock star for my whole life.

We all need to live our old age with ease, but Mick Jagger seems truly fireproof.

27. The new fashion for celebrities is to talk about the most private parts of your life, another is to repent of excesses and criticize the drugs that once made you happy.

As we mature, we understand that certain habits are not healthy for us, many people flirt with drugs in their youth and then struggle to quit.

28. Getting rich quick is part of the Rock and Roll fantasy.

Like many of us, this renowned singer also wanted to be rich in life.

29. I couldn't imagine ending up like Elvis Presley, playing Vegas for all those housewives.

He knows that when the time comes he will have to leave the music and retire, hopefully in a long time.

30. One day I will have to pay my tribute to the devil, like Faust. But why am I going to stop enjoying the sun today to think about tomorrow's clouds.

There is a rumor that the Rolling Stones made a pact with the devil many years ago, is this true?

31. There are so many myths about the Rolling Stones... The dangerous thing is to start believing them.

We must not get carried away by what others say about us, only we know the truth.

32. You move with ideas of people who are playing with you.

Our environment is essential to be able to create music, being surrounded by a creative environment can help us in our work.

34. "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" was the song that he really did to the Rolling Stones; the one that, from an ordinary band, turned us into an immense, monstrous group.

Without a doubt, this is one of the best songs of him, a song that everyone easily recognizes from this mythical group.

35. He had no inhibitions whatsoever. I saw Elvis and Gene Vincent, and I thought, Well, I can do that.

Jagger's way of dancing is at least curious, it has a frankly particular style.

36. It's a lot of fun to make a fool of yourself, even if it's only in front of twenty people.

Being able to uninhibit ourselves can help us release accumulated tension, we should not have so many prejudices in life.

37. The most important function of the Internet, in my opinion, is that it breaks the censorship of the mass media.

On the internet we can all express ourselves freely, the press can express itself with almost total freedom.

38. You noticed that girls went crazy, either because they kept quiet or because they yelled.

Being a rock star has always carried with it a great erotic charge, the intimate life of this type of people will always be, as we all know, very active.

39. On the one hand, there is a total fascination for music and a great passion for the blues.

Rock and blues are the two musical styles that Mick Jagger likes the most, two different styles but also really exciting on their own.

40. It's ridiculous! No one should be concerned if the Rolling Stones break up. Should? I mean, when The Beatles broke up, I didn't give a damn about him. What's more, I thought it was a very good idea.

The comings and goings of this famous group have always made the covers of magazines.

41. A good way to keep myself entertained when signing autographs is to sign some of them with Doris Goldblatt's name.

Without a doubt a very creative nickname, once again Jagger shows us his particular sense of humor.

42. As soon as you start to believe yourself important, you become less creative.

We must not let the pretense of greatness dominate our life, hard work will allow us to be the best in what we do.

43. The past is an excellent place and I don't want to erase it or regret it, but I don't want to be its prisoner either.

We all remember our past fondly, but as Jagger rightly says, we must not let our memories rule our lives.

44. Many times, songs are much of a moment, which you just encapsulate. They come to you, where they are written, feel good that day, or bad that day.

Many of the great songs in the history of music were written in a fleeting moment of creativity.

45. I must be careful not to get caught up in the past. This is why I tend to forget my songs.

Many of us should do like Jagger, fully live in the moment.

46. Patriotism is an instantaneous reaction that fades when war begins.

When we are involved in a warlike conflict, it is when we are truly aware of the value of patriotism. Wars are never good.

47. Something good never ends.

A very hopeful phrase from one of their Satanic Majesties. Let's be more positive!

48. I have not had time to plan the return to the scene because I have not left it.

In one way or another, the Rolling have always been in the limelight, never fully abandoning their musical career.

49. People think they know you. They know things about you that you have forgotten.

Biggest fans may come to know more about Mick Jagger than Mick Jagger himself.

50. I've never wanted to give up performing on stage, but one day the tours will end.

If you have the opportunity to go to one of his concerts, take advantage now that you can!

51. I think we should encourage children to sing and play instruments from an early age.

Encouraging music in the little ones is something that will undoubtedly be very positive for them.

52. I don't do it constantly anymore, 12 months out of the year. When you are young is what you do. Today, I spend three or four months a year on the road and it seems like a logical balance to me.

Today, Jagger needs to take several months off a year in order to recover from his touring.

53. We're trying to pick out some that we haven't sung in the last few years, things that we haven't done before.

Certainly the Rolling Stones wish to do new things during their career, as musicians tirelessly seek to create new hits for all their fans.

54. In general, people don't want anything that is too different. They want something a little different, but not 100% different

Varying too much during concerts can be detrimental to the band, they know they must maintain a certain style.

55. What people want is to hear their favorites

As fans, there is always a song that is our favorite, the Rolling during their concerts must know which ones to play.

56. I don't know how people would feel if we didn't do them. I think they would say: "Too bad, I came to hear this."

Some of the songs of this group are considered by their fans almost as anthems, these are the most relevant during their concerts.

57. When you go out in front of all those people, you have a huge wave of chemical reactions in your body, your own adrenaline. Let's face it, it's a great inner blast. It must be like playing soccer or something.

When you go on stage, all the expectations of thousands of people are placed on you, without a doubt it must be a great responsibility to have them please. Stage fright is something that many artists have had to fight against.

58. Basically your life is in tune with doing those few hours on stage and everything else is a preparation for that.

When you are such a relevant musician, your whole life revolves around music. It is a job that you can fill 24 hours a day.

59. It takes a lot of preparation time for that - sticking with it so you can get through the whole thing without failing physically and mentally and staying really sharp. But I really enjoy it.

Like any great artist, Jagger prepares thoroughly for his concerts, both physically and mentally.

60. A good night out! A good night for everyone. We did a similar tour in Europe this summer, so it's a lot of fun. The energy is quite high and it's a good show I think.

The Rolling Stones have always put on the most spectacular concerts in the world, if we get the chance, we should definitely go see them.

61. Well, I don't have to speak foreign languages ​​normally, so that's a big difference. When you tour Europe there are a lot of languages, so I try to do all of them and that takes a while, so in the United States I can focus on other things.

Tours in the United States are the ones this singer enjoys the most, since language is always a complicated subject when one travels the world.

62. I'm writing a bit more this week. And I'm always, like, having fun. I really enjoy the writing process.

Writing can be a very positive thing in the life of any person, this particular activity can help us organize our thoughts.

63. But when you're playing a big show, there's a certain amount of songs that people want to hear, you don't have to play them, but there is a certain percentage of the songs that people will want to hear and if you don't disappointment.

The most mythical songs of this British band cannot be missed during their concerts. In a way, this band feels indebted to all its fans.

64. That was great. We weren't really up for the blues. It was a fun thing to do.

Trying other styles of music can be very exciting for any musician, one does not usually leave their comfort zone every day.

65. No, I don't really care about the Grammys. I'm not saying it's not nice to have, it's lovely to have. But it won't break my heart if I don't get the Grammys and if the number of the Grammys isn't as big as other people's.

Winning a Grammy Award is a wonderful thing for any artist, but for Jagger it would just be one more achievement in his long professional career.

66. I made a cameo in a movie that's kind of a twisted thriller called "The Burnt Orange Heresy." I just finished doing that in Italy.

As we can see, this Rock and Roll star dares with all kinds of performances, even collaborating in the world of cinema.

67. The favorites people like to hear are 'Paint it Black', 'Honky Tonk Women', 'Satisfaction' and the like. We don't always necessarily do all of them. Sometimes we drop one or two, but there are maybe ten favorites.

Undoubtedly, these songs that he talks about in this quote, are among the most iconic of this rock band

68. This morning I did a little gym. Nothing crazy. Then I go in to rehearse with the rest of the band.

To be able to give the maximum on stage, physical preparation is vital, all the great stars train daily.

69. You put your money in a place you don't owe and then other people run off with it.

We are all exposed to suffer some type of scam, Mick Jagger has lived this fact very closely.

70. We cannot forget that it was the first time we used the red tongue logo. Sensational idea. Everyone thinks it was Andy Warhol's idea. But it's not like that. John Pasche was its creator. Great design.

Who would not recognize the logo of this mythical Rock and Roll band? Without a doubt, it is one of the best known in the world.

71. I keep writing songs and recording demos. I think some songs are perfect for the Rolling Stones. We'll see.

To all the fans of him we would love to be able to listen to new songs by this great composer, because at present almost no music of this type is made.

72. Fidel Castro copied the Soviet ban on decadent, bourgeois music, but that didn't last long.

Indeed, the Cuban regime tried to impose a kind of censorship in the past. Something that over time was not possible to maintain.

73. They are very close to the United States, so the radios overlap, and there is a lot of musical exchange. Everyone knew the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, etc.

During his trip to Cuba, Jagger was aware that North American radios can also be heard in this Caribbean country.

74. I wish you could give it a try and go back if you don't like it, right? I'm afraid of getting hooked, you can hear everything ...

To fall into a vice, trying it is the first step. By not trying it, we will never fall for it.

75. The white lady they call her, right? For me this is too much, there are people who have been slow.

We should not consume drugs, they can seriously affect our health, both physical and mental.

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