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Partner abuse: causes and effects

Human beings are relational beings, that is, we can only understand ourselves in relation to others, and the main place where we learn to do so is the family. Statistics indicate that around 30-40% of families suffer from some form of domestic or dating violence. Intimate partner abuse affects more women, but men can also be victims.

When someone is a victim of partner abuse, it is necessary to distinguish between the psychological abuse and physical abuse.

Physical abuse and psychological abuse

The psychological abuse It is based on intentional behaviors, executed from a position of power and aimed at devaluing, producing psychic damage, destroy self esteem and reduce personal confidence. His condition leads to depersonalization, while generating dependence of the person who inflicts them. The abuser uses insults, accusations, threats, destructive criticism, yelling, manipulation, silence, indifference and contempt for this.

The physical, in addition to all the above, is done by hitting and causing any type of pain physical, either with the hands or with other objects, which can cause the death of the person attacked.

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Abuse is a process that usually lasts over many years, which part of a situation of control and devaluation by the husband towards his wife or vice versa, and in which, among other things, it prevents his partner from developing social activities such as going out with his friends or visiting his family.

Most bullies do not use violence outside the family

At first it was believed that domestic violence it involved irrational, impulsive acts, in which the aggressor did not understand the consequences of his actions. The reality is that it is not a problem of losing control of oneself, but of taking control over the partner and / or children.

Most offenders do not use violence against others outside the family, nor do they risk assault in situations where they foresee negative consequences for themselves. Another widespread belief is that partner abuse is restricted to the poorest and most uneducated sectors, but in reality this is not an exclusive phenomenon of the poor sectors, and as you move up the social ladder there are more resources to hide this situation.

Regarding alcohol consumption, the reality is that it is a risk factor but it has been observed that it is not the direct cause of abuse. Many alcoholics are not violent in the home.

Why are there women who endure abuse?

In most cases the abused woman maintains the bond with her abuser because she is financially and emotionally dependent, and due to ignorance of their rights. The fear of a fatal outcome also prevents many women from going to social services to ask for the appropriate help.

To prevent gender-based violence, it is necessary to change attitudes through co-education, education in equal rights from childhood and adolescence and the reeducation of people adults. Coexistence presupposes free choice and non-ownership of people.

Men can also be victims of abuse

Intimate partner violence is immediately associated with the battered woman. But, although to a lesser extent, men can also be victims of partner violence.

Most cases of gender violence in which the man is the victim are due to psychological abuse. Men do not usually report for different reasons: lack of legal support and resources for the abused man, credibility problems or fear of ridicule.

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