Education, study and knowledge

How to educate children in the use of the Internet: 10 tips

The Internet and the new information and communication technologies are elements that emerged recently that, however, have completely transformed society. Today most young people see almost inconceivable a world without WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube. But although The little ones of today are born in a world where these applications, social networks and technologies are omnipresentThey are not born knowing how to use them, and although they are very powerful and very useful tools that make life and communication easier for us, they also have risks.

Thus, it is necessary to teach minors to use them. How to educate children in the use of the Internet to make good use of this resource? In this article we propose to offer some guidelines and tips in this regard.

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Digital natives

Many of us remember a time in our lives when the Internet was a completely unknown concept to most of the population. Even for those of us who were born in the 90s, when the subject was already a little more developed, it was something new and strange to which we had to adapt at the time. Other people saw it being born later in their lives, having greater difficulties in understanding its operation.

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Since then the network of networks has evolved in an incredible way, increasing its potential and allowing the emergence of multiple technologies and basic applications in our day to day. Today's children are already digital natives (a concept proposed by Prensky in 2001), born in an environment in which new technologies are already fully integrated. This fact means that there are differences with respect to past generations, even at the neurological level.

They have greater multitasking capacity, greater flexibility and greater decision-making capacity, but at the same time less memory capacity, less perseverance and less ability to postpone rewards and results.

How to educate children in the use of the Internet

Networks are a powerful tool that make it easy for us to multitask and communicate at a distance, but they also have a dark side. Fraudulent use of networks, online scams, cybercriminals, the grooming and the cyberbullying are examples of it. Learning to use new technologies is essential to be able to make good use of them. And that is why below we indicate a series of tips to help educate in its use.

1. Get informed

When educating children and adolescents in the use of new technologies we have to take into account a very important factor. relevant: while many of us have seen the birth of the Internet as something that has occurred throughout our lifetime, the new generations were born with them as an element present throughout the world. For them it is something that is natural and intuitive.

2. Get update

Technology advances very quickly, and it would be advisable for us to keep ourselves informed of the characteristics of the news and the different networks in order to be able to educate with knowledge of the facts. It is fundamentally about being up-to-date and know the type of digital environments they inhabit and the connections they have today. For example, it is not the same to routinely use places where the very young are the majority, such as Instagram or, as it is to use internet forums on philosophy or technology.

3. Tell them about their risks

Networks are something that is taken for granted and there is generally a great perception of security around them. It is necessary to explain to minors that although they have many advantages, they also have risks, and clearly state them. It's not about scare without foundation, but to show that there are significant risks.

4. Do not prohibit the use of the network

As we have mentioned before, the use of information and communication technologies or ICT is an element present in our lives, and in the case of today's children from their birth. Some people may think that banning its use may be a way to avoid potential misuse and problems. However, we are facing a practically omnipresent tool in our day to day life and it is advisable to learn to drive quickly. Prohibiting would only make the child not have knowledge of how it works and if they were to use them they could run a much greater danger due to ignorance. We must monitor, not ban.

5. Generate limits and rules of use

Not prohibiting does not imply uncontrolled use of the networks by the minor. It is necessary to establish rules and hours of use, especially when children are young, in order to learn to balance the use of networks with other activities, both duties and obligations and forms of leisure.

6. Sailing together

The best way to teach is by example. Browse the net with the children and show them different technologies, applications, games and information it can be a way of making them see the wonders of technology while educating them on how to use it. In addition, it means sharing a moment with the children that can be a source of learning, fun and reinforcing bonds.

7. The role of privacy

Although in part associated with the point of risks, this element stands out for being fundamental and one of the most consequential. Make them understand what privacy is and the importance of each of the data they publish, what should or should not be published and the associated risks and how to protect that privacy is one of the fundamental aspects for the education and protection of minors in relation to virtual environments.

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8. Parental control

The creation of safe virtual environments is suitable for young children, in such a way that content that could be offensive or traumatic for minors is blocked.

9. Be interested

Another aspect of great relevance is the fact that the adult, family member or caregiver in charge of the minor is interested in her activity on the network. Not invasive or demanding, but communicative and supportive. Many problems in the network are not communicated to parents out of fear or shame, when our help could help solve problems that may arise. The type of relationship that we establish with the relationship between the minor and the networks can greatly affect the level of trust and the communication of problems in this area.

10. Respect their privacy

As they grow, the minors will demand more and more intimacy and privacy. Checking the text messages they receive or their Facebook is not pleasant for almost any adolescent and can generate the perception of distrust towards him or her.

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