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The best 11 Psychiatrists in Seville

Fromm Wellness is an entity made up of a team of professionals specialized in addiction treatment.

Here it is possible to find therapeutic support in all areas and processes of overcoming dependency and addiction problems, whether based on substance use or not. Thus, he is a highly recommended option in cases of addiction to alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, gambling, etc. All this having access to fully equipped entrance facilities, therapeutic tutored floors, training workshops, counseling for parents, and more.

Manuel Benitez Bone is an excellent Sevillian psychiatrist who has a track record in the field of mental health for more than 40 years old, having worked as a university professor, and being the founder and director of his own health center mental.

He has a degree in Psychiatry from the University of Seville, in addition to working at the Military Hospital of Seville for more than 30 years. He has treated many types of pathologies, among which are anxiety, stress and depression disorders, and bipolar disorder, among others.

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Juan Jose Garcia Orozco He is an excellent psychiatrist who has a Master's degree in clinical management and medical direction, he has completed another Master's degree in neuropsychology from the Open University of Catalonia, and has completed a Doctorate in Health and Organizational Psychology by the UNED.

He specializes in adult psychiatry, in the neuropsychology, and in psychotherapy, having treated people affected by anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and situations of low self-esteem.

Alfonso Prieto He has a Bachelor of Medicine with a specialization in Psychiatry, in addition to having completed a course in psychiatric epidemiology, in mental health care, and in clinical and therapeutic aspects of the Bipolar disorder.

He specializes in psychotherapy, psychogeriatrics, and the treatment of addictions such as alcohol and tobacco, she has also treated people with severe depression, anxiety disorders, and stress disorders post-traumatic.

Maria Jose Marquez She has a degree in Medicine from the University of Seville, she is a specialist in Psychiatry from the Hospital Virgen de la Macarena, and she has the title of expert in dynamic psychotherapy from the University of Seville.

She is a great specialist in the field of out-of-hospital psychiatry, psychotherapy, and neuropsychiatry, having treated patients with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, and with disorder obsessive compulsive.

Nuria Ferrer Chinchilla She is a specialist in integrative psychotherapy from the University of Alcalá and has taken specialization courses in Clinical Psychiatry from the University of Navarra, being an expert in child psychiatry and for people adults.

Among the psychological pathologies that he has treated the most, the addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, psychosomatic disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD.

Beatriz-Oda Plasencia García She has a degree in Medicine and has completed a Master's Degree in brain and behavior from the University of Seville, she says with another Master in Psychopharmacology, and has also completed a course in bipolar disorder at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She is a great specialist in the area of ​​psychogeriatrics and adult psychiatry, having treated people with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, with depression in the elderly, and with stress and anxiety.

Federico D. Lopez He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Seville in addition to being a specialist in Psychiatry from the Virgen Hospital de Valme de Sevilla, being a great expert in psychiatry for adults, out-of-hospital psychiatry, and in psychogeriatrics.

He has treated patients affected by depressive disorders, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders and stress, in addition to having been able to care for people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Pablo Blanco Leggings He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Seville, with a specialty in Psychiatry, having completed a Master's degree in family and systems therapy from the same university, and being a specialist in psychotherapy psychodynamics.

He is an expert in child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and adult psychiatry, having treated people in situations of grief over the loss of a loved one, and with post-traumatic stress disorder, among others.

Nathalia Garrido She has a Bachelor of Medicine with a specialty in Psychiatry, in addition to being a specialist in child and child psychiatry. adolescent, in adoptions, and in perinatal psychiatry, having treated other disorders due to anxiety and depression.

It is one of the best options if we are looking for a recommended psychiatrist in Seville.

Enrique Gomez-Alvarez He has a degree in Medicine and Surgery, specializes in Psychiatry, and has a diploma in anti-aging medicine from the University of Seville.

He has treated patients with different types of disorders, including anxiety, depression and stress disorders, OCD, and panic attacks.

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