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The 8 best expert Psychologists in Adolescents in Boadilla del Monte

The General Health Psychologist Osset shell She has a professional experience of more than 15 years and is a specialist in treating all kinds of disorders and problems arising in the different stages of the child and adolescent areas in his private practice in Boadilla del Mountain.

Graduated in Psychology from the UNED and graduated in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid, this Therapist has a Master's Degree in Child-adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and an Adaptation Training Course Pedagogical.

Her intervention addresses the different problems of the adolescent by involving her parents in the therapeutic process and some of the areas that she successfully addresses this professional in her consultation are emotional problems and behavioral alterations, improvement in parent-child relationships, academic difficulties and addictions.

The psychologist Yisselle Vazquez Rosado She is a Doctor in Clinical Psychology from the Carlos Albizu University, she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from the same University and is a specialist in Neuropsychology, Coaching and Mindfulness.

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As a specialist in serving adolescents of all ages for more than 18 years, this General Health Psychologist applies the approach Cognitive-behavioral, one of the most used by psychology professionals, along with other therapies such as Coaching, Mindfulness or techniques neuropsychological.

Likewise, some of the main areas that this professional successfully addresses in her consultation, in sessions offered both face-to-face and online, are relationship problems, low self-esteem, fears and phobias, emotional dependence and abuse child-parent.

The Health Psychologist Jessica Rodriguez Marquez She is also a specialist in serving adolescents from the age of 15, both online and in person.

Graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy from the UDIMA, another Own Master's Degree in Psychological Intervention and Mental Health from the same university and with a course in Sexual Abuse Childish.

His specialty is the cognitive-behavioral approach, applied in conjunction with EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness and body techniques, tools with which he addresses adjustment disorders, relationship problems, grieving processes, obsessive compulsive disorder, deficits in social skills, and depression postpartum.

The Health Psychologist Carlos Rodriguez Muñoz He has a professional experience of almost 20 years, in which she has specialized in treating cases of depression and disorders of anxiety, grief processes, social phobia, hysterical neurosis and cases of emotional dependence in adolescents of all ages.

Among her most notable qualifications are a Bachelor of Psychology from UNED in 2000, a Specialty in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, a Specialty in Brief Psychotherapy and a Specialty in Psychodiagnosis.

This psychotherapist applies Neurofeedback techniques in an integrated way along with Brief Therapy and Psychoanalytic Therapy depending on the needs of each person attended to.

The psychologist Eva Fernandez Fernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has a Course in Clinical Psychology, another course in Anorexia Nervosa and a third course in Gender Violence.

Over more than 23 years serving adolescents and adults of all ages, this professional has perfected the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to comprehensively address any problem both emotionally and behavioral.

Her intervention specialties include eating disorders, agoraphobia, cases of hypochondria, anxiety disorders, social phobia, depression and low self-esteem.

The professional Rita Otero She has a degree in Educational Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and also a Postgraduate Degree in Group Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Her intervention is based on Integrative Humanist Therapy and Emotional Intelligence, with which she addresses depression in the adolescence, severe depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorders, cases of abuse, self-esteem deficits, and stress.

The therapist Patricia Sánchez Rodríguez She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has a Master in Systemic Family Therapy and another Master in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology.

Her intervention is based on Systemic Therapy and some of the areas that she successfully addresses are disorders of anxiety, low self-esteem, grieving processes, relationship problems and sleep disorders due to anxiety.

The psychologist Julia Baldeón Soto She has more than 25 years of professional experience and in her practice she attends both adolescents and adults, couples and also families who request it.

This psychotherapist is a specialist in successfully attending to cases of family violence, problems behavioral disorders, anxiety disorders, grieving processes, eating disorders, and bullying.

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