Education, study and knowledge

How do psychologically mature people act? 10 keys

The expression "being immature" is a label that is used very commonly to describe those people wh...

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Rational people: these are their 5 characteristics

Rational people are not very common, because after all what we understand today by rationality is...

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Psychologists in San Isidro

Psychologist, Therapist and Life Coach I am a person who helps people to achieve their objectives...

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The importance of expressing emotions, in 7 keys

Much is said in the world of psychology about the Emotional intelligence and how this concept is ...

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Children and pets at home: 7 points that you must value

Children and pets at home: 7 points that you must value

Thinking of getting a pet? Do you have doubts about whether it is the most convenient for your c...

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The 84 best Nature phrases (and famous quotes)

Nature surrounds us and cares for us. However, human beings are not taking care of it as it deser...

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Psychosocial processes through Graffiti

We know that the context conditions, but the individual in turn is a change agent of the environm...

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5 stages that love couples go through when they finish

The beginning of the end of a relationship may be happening without us even being aware of it; Of...

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Synchronicity: the science of significant coincidences

To see the world in a grain of sand, And Heaven in a wild flower, Covers infinity in the palm of ...

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The transference and countertransference in Psychoanalysis

If there is something that characterizes the psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud, is the em...

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Differences in mental disorders between the West and Japan

Differences in the expression of psychopathologies between Japan and the West they have a great ...

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Subiculum: parts and functions of this brain structure

The hippocampus is one of the oldest parts of the brain; it is believed to have been at work in o...

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