Education, study and knowledge


The 100 most common surnames in Colombia

Colombian surnames are part of the Hispanic roots of this Latin American nation. The local Aborig...

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The 100 most common surnames in France (and their meaning)

France is one of the most beloved nations for sightseeing. Many people associate it with romance,...

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The 110 most common surnames in Chile (and their meaning)

The 110 most common surnames in Chile (and their meaning)

Chile is the largest country in South America and one of the countries of which the ancient Inca ...

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The 100 most common surnames in Spain (and their meaning)

Spain is a land rich in tradition and culture that are maintained today, living day to day with t...

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The 100 most common surnames in Mexico (and their meaning)

Mexican surnames are born as a mixture with part of the Spanish culture due to the immigration th...

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The 100 most common Chilean surnames (and their meaning)

Before the arrival of colonization, in Chile it was only customary to give people a single name a...

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The 15 best typical dishes of Catalonia (with photos)

The 15 best typical dishes of Catalonia (with photos)

As in most regions of Spain, Catalonia has its own history and very significant traditions, espec...

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The 15 best typical dishes of Andalusia (with photos)

The 15 best typical dishes of Andalusia (with photos)

Andalusia is one of the places in Europe with the greatest culinary tradition, since its gastrono...

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The 8 most famous traditions and customs of Galicia

The 8 most famous traditions and customs of Galicia

In Spain, more specifically in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a community full ...

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The 100 most common names in Chile (and their meaning)

In Chile, many given names are usually derived from biblical names or from the names of a saint.....

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The 100 most common names in Argentina (and their meaning)

Argentine names come from other languages ​​such as Greek or Latin and many are variations adapte...

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The 8 most important literary movements

The 8 most important literary movements

Throughout the history of literature, there have been different currents shared by their authors....

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