Understanding what the universe is represents a great challenge for human beings. The human mind ...
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Most of the sciences are divided into branches or disciplines, according to the specialization th...
The latest calculations of the number of eukaryotic species on planet earth ensure that there is ...
Are you one of those who believe that there is more life outside of our planet? Regardless of whe...
The history of human beings dates back to 6 million years ago when we differentiated ourselves fr...
In 1969 man traveled to the moon for the first time. Six years earlier, Valentina Tereshkova, bec...
Mathematics is an abstract science difficult to understand for the non-specialized public, as it ...
Greek mythology is one of the most popular in Western culture. It has served as an inspiration fo...
Irish legends are characterized by a mystical and symbolic content typical of Celtic culture. Its...
The brain and how it works they have been the object of study of numerous branches and scientific...
Biochemistry is a discipline that, like many others, was born from the need to integrate concepts...
For many alternatives that arise, Disney continues to be the great reference for children's anima...