Education, study and knowledge

The Verb

What are the speaking verbs

What are the speaking verbs

Image: SlideshareThe enormous wealth of the Spanish language allows us to distinguish between a g...

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Find out what AUXILIARY VERBS are and what they are

Find out what AUXILIARY VERBS are and what they are

Surely on more than one occasion you have heard about auxiliary verbs, so that you have no doubt ...

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Different TYPES of VERBS in Spanish

Different TYPES of VERBS in Spanish

Verbs are a type of words that we use daily to communicate, without them it would not be possible...

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The VERBS in the present of INDICATIVE in IMPERSONAL form

The VERBS in the present of INDICATIVE in IMPERSONAL form

Image: Educational Radio In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to answer a question: What are the...

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27 examples of imperative PRAYERS

27 examples of imperative PRAYERS

When we want to show the speaker's intention We can do it through gestures and non-verbal express...

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What does it mean that a VERB is in INDICATIVE

What does it mean that a VERB is in INDICATIVE

In Spanish, verbs have different forms that help us express actions in different ways. This time ...

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What are the impersonal verbs

What are the impersonal verbs

Image: SlideshareThe verb is one of the most important classes of words when forming a complete s...

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Find out what are the verbal tenses of the FUTURE in Spanish

Find out what are the verbal tenses of the FUTURE in Spanish

Verbs have Different times to indicate when the action is taking place. That is, if it is develop...

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What is the indicative mood

What is the indicative mood

Image: The Tongue GuideWould you like to know what is the indicative mood with examples to clarif...

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What is the imperative mood

What is the imperative mood

We start a new lesson from a TEACHER so that everyone knows what is imperative mood with examples...

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+50 examples of VERBS in INDICATIVE mode

+50 examples of VERBS in INDICATIVE mode

Making a difference with the subjunctive and imperative mood of the Spanish language, The indicat...

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All the USES of the GERUNDIO in Spanish

All the USES of the GERUNDIO in Spanish

The gerund is a non-conjugated verb form that we seldom stop to ask what its use is and what func...

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