Education, study and knowledge

The Verb

What are PRONOMINAL verbs and what are their classes

What are PRONOMINAL verbs and what are their classes

pronominal verbs are verbs that are used to indicate that the subject performs an action on himse...

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Linking and predicative verbs

Linking and predicative verbs

The linking verbs they are those that express a state or a condition; the predicatives They are t...

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What is the PARTICIPLE in Spanish

What is the PARTICIPLE in Spanish

The participle is used to form phrasal verbs. by combining it with an auxiliary verb and is forme...

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What is a TRANSITIVE verb

What is a TRANSITIVE verb

In the Spanish language there are many types of verbs and some of the most used are the transitiv...

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List of IRREGULAR verbs in Spanish

List of IRREGULAR verbs in Spanish

The list of irregular verbs in Spanish is: open, absolve, fall, hang, give, defend, turn on, lock...

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What are DEFECTIVE verbs

What are DEFECTIVE verbs

Defective verbs are those that are characterized by not having a complete conjugation and they ar...

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How to identify the ROOT of a verb

How to identify the ROOT of a verb

To identify the root of a verb we have to do these steps: detect the family, see the repetitions,...

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