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List of IRREGULAR verbs in Spanish

List of irregular verbs in Spanish

The list of irregular verbs in Spanish is: open, absolve, fall, hang, give, defend, turn on, lock up, force, scrub... In a Teacher we tell you.

The verb is a class of word indicating an action, state, or process that takes place in a sentence. These types of words have a lexeme, which contains the verbal meaning and some morphemes, which indicate the person, number, tense, aspect, manner and voice. Usually, these morphemes are created in the same way in all verbs, but there is a class of words that does not follow the rules: irregular verbs.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to introduce you to the list of irregular verbs in spanish so that you never again doubt how they are pronounced or written. Will you join us to discover it?

The irregular verbs, as we have previously pointed out, are those that do not conform to the rules of conjugation established. Surely you have already noticed that the verb to LOVE and the verb to go are not conjugated in a similar way. That's because the second is an irregular verb.

Discover here the list of irregular verbs in present indicative.

List of irregular verbs in Spanish - What are irregular verbs in Spanish
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So that you can see that the conjugations between regular and irregular verbs change a lot, we are going to give you a conjugation example with the verb PLAY (regular) and another with the verb PRESS (irregular) in the present indicative. Are you able to see the differences?

Conjugation of the regular verb TO PLAY

The conjugation of the verb PLAY is the following:

  • I play
  • You play
  • he/she plays
  • we play
  • you play
  • they/they play

Conjugation of the irregular verb PRESS

The conjugation of the verb PRESS is the following:

  • I squeeze
  • you squeeze
  • he/she squeezes
  • we/we squeeze
  • you/you squeeze
  • they/they squeeze

In this section we are going to give you some sentences containing irregular verbs, so you can see how this part of speech works when we introduce it in a context. We have marked the irregular verb in bold to make it easier for you to find it:

  • The architect built several towers in the city.
  • The boss introduced changes in the work methodology.
  • Nobody he influenced in his decisions, he made them alone.
  • This winter will very cold.
  • The art flowing through her veins.
  • if i effort, i will get good results.
  • The boy play With the ball.
  • Is important that obey to your parents.
  • when i meditate i I abstract from the outside world.
  • I appreciate what me des your opinion on this matter.
  • With the heat, it melted the icecream.
  • Every night it's raining in the village.
  • The young man She felt a pang in the stomach upon receiving the news.
  • Believe no I deserve the treatment I received from you.
  • Every morning when I awakeI have a fruit smoothie.
  • Sofia will distracted in science class.
  • When it's raining I put sad.
  • ¡Proof the soup my mom made!
  • The bad things are passenger; the good ones will be more important.
  • The furniture does not quota Through the door.
  • she would have written to you a letter from I have known your address.
  • No HE why have I believed everything that I you said.
  • I'm outside your house because wanna
  • ¿would you go out with me?
  • I want to come on with us to the party.

We hope that the list of irregular verbs in spanish It has helped you to understand a little more these verbs that do not follow the rules of the others. If you want to go deeper into the verb, the most relevant grammatical category of all, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section.

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