Education, study and knowledge


Most important contributions of John Locke

Most important contributions of John Locke

Image: SlideshareIn that lesson from a TEACHER, we will talk about John Locke's most important co...

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Karl Popper's falsificationism

Welcome to a teacher, in today's video we are going to talk about the Karl Popper's falsification...

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The First Philosophers: Monists

The First Philosophers: Monists

Image: PinterestIn this lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the first philosophers who are kno...

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List with the main books of Simone de Beauvoir

List with the main books of Simone de Beauvoir

Image: The World Economic ForumIn this lesson from a TEACHER, we will discuss main Simone de Beau...

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The MAIN representatives of HEDONISM in philosophy

The MAIN representatives of HEDONISM in philosophy

Image: In this lesson from a TEACHER, we will talk about main representatives of ...

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What is the concept of PARADIGM by Thomas KUHN

What is the concept of PARADIGM by Thomas KUHN

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about Thomas Kuhn's paradigm concept. The vari...

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What are human rights

Welcome to a Professor, in today's video we are going to analyze one of the fundamental concepts ...

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Man is the only creature who refuses to be what is Albert Camus'

"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is" means, according to the writer and philo...

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Meaning of Man is a social being by nature

Meaning of Man is a social being by nature

What does the phrase "man is a social being by nature" refer to?"Man is a social being by nature"...

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Meaning of Religion is the opium of the people

What does Religion is the opium of the people mean:The phrase "religion is the opium of the peopl...

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Meaning of I only know that I know nothing

"I only know that I know nothing" or "I only know that I know nothing" is a famous phrase attribu...

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Meaning of Man is a wolf to man (homo homini lupus)

Meaning of Man is a wolf to man (homo homini lupus)

"Man is a wolf to man" (in Latin, homo homini lupus) is a phrase used by the 18th century English...

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