Education, study and knowledge


Meaning of Man is a political animal

What does Man is a political animal mean:"Man is a political animal" is a phrase from Aristotle. ...

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Meaning of Know yourself

Meaning of Know yourself

What does Know thyself mean:"Know yourself" is one of the most famous ancient Greek aphorisms of ...

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Man is condemned to be free, by Jean-Paul Sarte: analysis and meaning of the phrase

"Man is condemned to be free" is a phrase by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the ...

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Meaning of A life without exam is not worth living

What is A life without exam is not worth living:"A life without examination is not worth living" ...

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Meaning of Man is good by nature

Meaning of Man is good by nature

What is Man is good by nature:The phrase "man is good by nature" is a statement authored by the e...

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Meaning of Man is a rational animal

What is Man is a rational animal:"Man is a rational animal" is a phrase attributed to Aristotle (...

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Existentialism is a humanism, by Jean-Paul Sartre: conference summary and analysis

Existentialism is a humanism, by Jean-Paul Sartre: conference summary and analysis

"Existentialism is a humanism" (1945) is a lecture (later published as a book) in which Jean-Paul...

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Nicolás Machiavelli: biography, work and contributions

Nicolás Machiavelli: biography, work and contributions

Nicholas Machiavelli (Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli) was an Italian diplomat, political phi...

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Apology for Socrates: summary and analysis of Plato's work

Socrates' Apology It is a work of Plato, which is part of the first dialogues of this. Although t...

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Plato's cave myth: summary, analysis and meaning of the allegory

Plato's Cave Myth is an allegory about the reality of our knowledge. Plato creates the myth of th...

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Meaning of Man is the measure of all things

What does Man is the measure of all things mean:"Man is the measure of all things" is an affirmat...

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Simone de Beauvoir: who she was and her contributions to feminism

Simone de Beauvoir: who she was and her contributions to feminism

Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was a writer, philosopher, and teacher, considered one of the pion...

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