The story The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges is one of the most emblematic of this Argentine author. ...
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Crime and Punishment is a novel published in 1866. It is the work of the Russian writer and journ...
The poem "Stop, shadow of my elusive good" is a sonnet written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz that ...
Platero and me is a narrative work, written by the author Juan Ramón Jiménez, in which the anecdo...
The poem "Song of Autumn in Spring" is one of the most famous poems by the famous Nicaraguan poet...
The fight Club (Fight club, 1996), also known as Fight club, is a novel written by Chuck Palahniu...
Three poems are titled "Nocturno" in the work of Rubén Darío, the most influential poet of litera...
The poem "Margarita" is authored by Rubén Darío, one of the most prominent writers of Latin Ameri...
What is the Strawberry Fields Book:The book Strawberry fields written in 1997 by the Catalan Span...
The poem The loving ones by Jaime Sabines was published in 1949 in his first collection of poems ...
Perfume (1984)) is a novel by Patrick Süskind that tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a...
The maelstrom is a novel written by the Colombian author José Eustasio Rivera. It was published i...