Education, study and knowledge


The planets closest to the Sun

The planets closest to the Sun

Human life would not have a place on either of the two planets closest to the Sun. Not surprising...

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Why are there stars in space?

Why are there stars in space?

One of the great pleasures of life is looking out the window at night and being able to see those...

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Moon It is the most studied celestial object, apart from Earth, in the last 50 years. Since 1963,...

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Why are there craters on the Moon

Why are there craters on the Moon

We have all looked at the moon at night. The Moon is one of the brightest elements that we can ob...

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Discover why the MOON shines

Discover why the MOON shines

The Moon it's the only one natural satellite of the planet Earth. A satellite is a celestial body...

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What is the SOLAR SYSTEM for children

Learn about the solar system with this hands-on video lesson from a TEACHER. If you are also wond...

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The hottest planet in the Universe

The hottest planet in the Universe

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has allowed a group of California scientists to conduct a study of...

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Characteristics of the PLANETA VENUS

Characteristics of the PLANETA VENUS

Venus is an amazing planet For many reasons, and although it is similar to Earth in some ways, it...

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How the Sun was formed

How the Sun was formed

The Sun, like the rest of the stars, is not an immutable object, rather, they evolve over time. S...

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The 4 stages of the EARTH: from its formation to the present

The 4 stages of the EARTH: from its formation to the present

Since its formation 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth has undergone numerous changes and transform...

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Why in the world there are different schedules

Why in the world there are different schedules

Image: SlideplayerHave you ever wondered why in the world there are different schedules between c...

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The origin of the Milky Way

The origin of the Milky Way

The Milky Way is the name given to the spiral galaxy where the Solar System is located, and there...

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