Education, study and knowledge


Hemispheric specialization: what it is, characteristics and operation

Hemispheric specialization: what it is, characteristics and operation

The human brain is divided by the sagittal fissure into two halves that can be clearly differenti...

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The 3 differences between neuropsychology and psychobiology

Psychology is a profession, an academic discipline, and a science that deals with the analysis an...

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Do all animals sleep?

Do all animals sleep?

It has always been believed that sleep is a necessary process for the brain to rest and consolida...

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Neuro rights: what are they, types, and legal implications

Neuro rights: what are they, types, and legal implications

The evolution of neuroscience is unstoppable, as is neurotechnology in parallel. It is a matter o...

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What are the parts of the brain associated with sleep?

What are the parts of the brain associated with sleep?

It is clear that sleep is a very important process for the life of living beings, but... What are...

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Neural pruning: what is it, characteristics and associated diseases

Neural pruning: what is it, characteristics and associated diseases

As is known, our brain is made up of neural or synaptic networks that make it possible to constan...

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Grandmother hypothesis: what is it and what does it propose about human evolution

Grandmother hypothesis: what is it and what does it propose about human evolution

The menopause process is often taken as something negative and, furthermore, from an evolutionary...

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Neural death: what is it and why does it occur?

All neurons of our body have a life cycle. They are formed, live, exercise their functions and fi...

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Microglia: main functions and associated diseases

The human immune system is made up of many different structures and processes. Organs such as the...

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Oligodendrocytes: what are they, types and functions

Neurons are essential for the transmission of electrochemical impulses through the nervous system...

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Hormones of happiness: myths and truths about these substances

Hormones of happiness: myths and truths about these substances

Are there hormones of happiness? One of the most mentioned expressions in psychology and related ...

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Heslington brain: characteristics of this historical anomaly

Heslington brain: characteristics of this historical anomaly

The Heslington brain, found in the county of Yorkshire, England, is the oldest preserved human br...

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