Neurons are specialized cells that fulfill a wide variety of very important functions for the pro...
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The lymphatic system, also known as the lymphoid system, is made up of a network of vessels, node...
Have you heard of seasonal depression? Do you feel that when we change seasons your mood changes ...
The thinking organ. Our brain is one of the most important areas of the body., since it regulates...
When I had finished teaching my class at the Faculty of Psychology, some students approached me t...
The functioning of the nervous system depends on a large number of specialized cells that, inside...
The human brain can be divided into a large number of subcomponents.; It is not for nothing that ...
Adrenergic receptors are a type of receptor to which catecholamines attach.. They are involved in...
Many people think that little sleep has no major consequences, beyond the fact that it causes a f...
The human brain is not a homogeneous, amorphous mass., but in it can be found a large number of s...
Our nervous system is made up of a large number of fibers and bundles that run throughout the bod...
A mitral cell is a type of neuron that is part of the olfactory system..These types of cells are ...