For the proper functioning of the body, we naturally secrete a series of substances that help pro...
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When we go through specific stages of our life, our body synthesizes different types of chemical ...
Silvio's aqueduct is a conduit or channel located in a structure of our brain called the midbrain...
Our brain is one of our most complex and important organs, as well as one of the last to finish. ...
Neurons are the basic unit of our nervous system and, thanks to their work, it is possible to tra...
Speech is one of the skills or abilities that has traditionally been given the most value. And al...
The brain is, as we already know, one of the most important organs for our survival. The main org...
Probably many of us have either suffered or know someone who has suffered from some type of infla...
It is summer and one of the greatest pleasures at this time is to immerse ourselves in the peace ...
muscarinic receptors are receptors sensitive to acetylcholine that have been related to various n...
Kainate receptors They are receptors found in neurons that are activated in the presence of gluta...
Vision is one of the most developed and important senses for humans. In fact, we have a cerebral ...