Modernism was a Spanish-American literary movement that emerged in the nineteenth century that wa...
Charles Baudelaire was the forerunner of Symbolists, Parnassians, Modernists, the Latin American ...
Love is a universal experience that moves us all, but sometimes we can't find the right words to ...
What does the poem I Cultivate a White Rose by José Martí mean:The poem "I cultivate a white rose...
The odyssey is an epic poem that narrates the adventures of Odysseus, also known as Ulysses, on h...
The poem Foolish men you accuse, by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, exposes the inequality and injusti...
What does the Sonatina poem by Rubén Darío mean:"Sonatina" is a poem written by Rubén Darío, the ...
The Divine Comedy, written by the Florentine Dante Alighieri between approximately 1304 and 1321,...
Antonio Machado was an Andalusian poet, playwright and storyteller of the "generation of 98" in S...
The Raven is a narrative poem by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, the highest representative ...
What does the poem En paz by Amado Nervo mean:"In Peace" is one of the most famous poems by the M...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer (1836-1870), Sevillian poet, he was one of the leading representatives of ...