Education, study and knowledge

Book Summary

SUMMARY of The kingdom of the three moons and analysis of CHARACTERS

SUMMARY of The kingdom of the three moons and analysis of CHARACTERS

The kingdom of the three moonsis a novel for children and young people published by the writer Na...

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SUMMARY of The face of the shadow and main characters

SUMMARY of The face of the shadow and main characters

the face of the shadow It is a book by Alfredo Gómez Cerdá of about 200 pages that it is very pos...

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Captain Alatriste de Pérez Reverte

Captain Alatriste de Pérez Reverte

Captain Alatriste is a book by Arturo Pérez-Reverte and belongs to the collection of The Adventur...

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Characters of El Capitan Alatriste: main and secondary

Characters of El Capitan Alatriste: main and secondary

Captain Alatriste is the first of the books in the collection of The Adventures of Captain Alatri...

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SUMMARY of Saint John by Max Aub

SUMMARY of Saint John by Max Aub

San Juan is a novel by the well-known Spanish author Max Aub, of French origin. After the civil w...

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The Truce of Mario Benedetti

The Truce of Mario Benedetti

Truce is a novel by the writer from Uruguay Mario Benedetti. This work narrates the life of Santo...

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The Truce of BENEDETTI: main and secondary characters

The Truce of BENEDETTI: main and secondary characters

Truce is a novel written by Mario Benedetti in 1959 and is set in Montevideo, Uruguay. The play e...

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The Reality and Desire of CERNUDA

The Reality and Desire of CERNUDA

Luis Cernuda (1902 - 1963) was a leading poet of the well-known Generation of 27 and he is the wr...

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Super SUMMARY of Don Quixote de la Mancha

Super SUMMARY of Don Quixote de la Mancha

Don Quijote of La Mancha is the best-known novel of Spanish literature and was written by Miguel ...

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DON QUIXOTE: main and secondary characters + characteristics [summary!]

DON QUIXOTE: main and secondary characters + characteristics [summary!]

Don Quixote It is the most important work of Spanish literature. It was written in 1605 by Miguel...

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Literary ANALYSIS of DON QUIXOTE de la Mancha by Cervantes

Literary ANALYSIS of DON QUIXOTE de la Mancha by Cervantes

the actual name of the work of Don Quixote is the following: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quijote ...

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Four hearts with brake and reverse

Four hearts with brake and reverse

The play of Four hearts with brake and reverse this divided into 3 acts, so we are going to summa...

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