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The Reality and Desire of CERNUDA

Reality and Desire - summary for selectivity

Luis Cernuda (1902 - 1963) was a leading poet of the well-known Generation of 27 and he is the writer of the work that we will talk about today: The reality and desire. Cernuda was a shy writer, also known as "the great poet of mystery" who left an extensive work of great quality that deserves to be remembered to this day.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to make you a summary of The reality and desireand explain what are the main topics that the author deals with.

The reality and desire It is a work written by Cernuda and its title is written in capital letters at the author's request, to highlight the two concepts as great truths. the book is a complete anthology of the main poems that the author wrote and that marked his life.

Cernuda uses this book to explain his biography through poetry. It therefore includes poems written during the Civil War in which a younger author can be recognized, full of energy and passion (A river, a love; The forbidden pleasures; where oblivion dwells, etc.) until the

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author was exiled Until the end of his life, passing through countries such as Great Britain, the United States and Mexico.

Throughout the poems that you will read in this anthology, you will be able to go discovering the influences exerted on the poet by the different artistic branches and by the people he surrounded himself with. The beginnings of it refer to the classicism, little by little his works will become closer to those of Gongora and you will notice a evolution finally heading to the surrealism.

In his work, we can also highlight the approach that the author has towards a social commitment more and more latent and that he shows himself in a tangible way when he begins to talk about politics in his poems. However, Cernuda ends up building a unique stamp (like some of the best poets of his generation), making works that go beyond the standards and canons accepted by each movement.

His poems are much more simple and elegant than those of his good friend Lorca, but much more complex, recounting the imaginary world that lived inside his mind.

For example, when Cernuda talks about love, he does it in a way sensible and elegant, but he also shows a wild and carnal face that makes him more human than many other poets. He talks about love as his main theme (whether heterosexual or homosexual), in a very close and accessible to all readers or listeners.

Reality and Desire - summary for selectivity - Summary of Reality and Desire

This is the most famous poem of the anthology of Luis Cernuda and that has the same name as the complete work The reality and desire.

"The reality, yes, the reality,

that lightning of the invisible

that reveals in us the loneliness of God.

It is this sky that flees.

It is this territory adorned by the bubbles of death.

It's this long drifting table

where diners persist dressed in the prestige of not being there.

To each his cup

to measure the wine that ends where thirst begins.

To each his plate

to enclose the hunger that is extinguished without ever being satisfied.

And every two the division of bread:

the miracle in reverse, communion only in the impossible.

And in the midst of love

between one and another body the fall,

something that resembles the somber beat of wings that return from eternity,

to the pulse of goodbye under the earth.

The reality, yes, the reality:

a seal of closure on all doors of desire."

We hope that this article has helped you understand Cernuda's work a little better and that you know what the main themes of The reality and desire.If you are interested in continuing to learn more about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult our reading section.

Reality and Desire - summary for selectivity - Most important poem of Reality and Desire

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