As a philosophical current, the existentialism arose between the 19th century and the 20th centur...
Image: Vegan Philosophy - BlogspotIn the lesson that concerns us here about a PROFESSOR we are go...
One of the essential literary works in contemporary literature is "Last Afternoons with Teresa", ...
Hermann Hesse He was born in Calw in the year 1877. He was a German novelist who dedicated his wr...
Have you ever heard of the Generation of '36? It is about a generation of writers and artists who...
Image: what is your Experience- WordpressA very special lesson starts from a TEACHER, since we ar...
Image: El CulturalIn our lesson today we are going to focus on getting to know the main character...
The Generation of the 50s is also known as the Generation of the Children of War since it is made...
Image: HyperboleWriter, biographer and social activist, Stefan zweig He was born on November 28, ...
Image: YoutubeOn July 2, 1877, he was born Hermann Hesse in Calw, Germany. He is one of the write...
Image: The Masked BibliophileWe will now talk about one of the most important works of modern Spa...
Image: Youtube1932 was a complex year in Spain. With a newly launched republic and enormous polit...