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The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka - Brief Summary

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A very special lesson starts from a TEACHER, since we are going to brief summary of metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, one of the most unique books in 20th century Europe, and undoubtedly one of the most controversial by its author, which is already a lot, since none of his works usually leaves anyone indifferent. Because the authorship of this Czech writer with a doctorate in law reflects in a very particular his singularities, since everything in his life went against his true vocation, literature.

A bureaucratic job that does not leave him time to write, a family against artistic activity, a Jew in a country mainly Christian, a life at the beginning of a convulsive 20th century full of instability and wars... Without a doubt, the work of Kafka reflects a truly unique world view and that it is worth studying in detail.

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  1. Part I of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis
  2. Part II of The Metamorphosis - Summary
  3. Brief introduction to Franz Kafka
  4. More information on the Metamorphosis
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Part I of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

We are already knowing the brief summary of metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, an influential 20th century author.

The short novel tells the story of Gregorio Samsa, a commercial traveler who with his employment supports his entire family. However, his life changes radically when one morning he wakes up as an insect.

At first, the protagonist remains in his room, as the transformation scares him. In fact, for a while, he even ignores calls from his family, making it difficult for him to get out of bed. However, despite the lack of control of his new body, he little by little tries to get up and even opens the door.

Once Gregorio opens the door, his boss leaves in surprise and nervous anger, while his mother faints and his father becomes so angry that he he locks up in the room again.

The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka - Brief Summary - Part I of The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka

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Part II of The Metamorphosis - Summary.

At this point, Gregorio is abandoned by the whole family. However, thanks to his relationship with his sister, Grete, he survives, as this girl continues to feed him and attend to his needs. However, the girl is disgusted by the state of her brother.

One day, mother and daughter decide to clean Gregorio's room so that he can climb the walls better and does not have obstacles. However, he takes advantage of the situation to escape the room, which angers his father, who reintroduces him by throwing apples.

One of the apples wounds Gregorio, who is unable to move. In addition, the treatment of the family, which suffers economic hardships and the maid, is getting worse, and the care less intense.

Faced with the family's financial difficulties, they decide to rent rooms, since health problems prevent them from working. However, one night Gregorio escapes and scares the tenants, who do not want to pay for lodging or food.

This fact angers the family, and leaves Gregorio in a state of tremendous melancholy. So that, the insect decides to stop eating until it dies. Once the maid finds it, she throws it away, while the family talks about the boy without wanting to know what happened to his body.

Brief introduction to Franz Kafka.

The image you have of Franz kafka it is the reflection of his novels, a dark and tormented man, like his characters. However, it was not like that, rather he behaved in a jovial and cordial way, with a cheerful, vital and joking attitude, which helped her to overcome his family life.

Of course, his internal pain is reflected in his work, as in the case of loneliness, feelingguilt, unsatisfied desire, the search for beauty and art... All of this can be seen in other novels, such as the castle, America or The process.

More information on the Metamorphosis.

In this novel by Kafka we find many of the characteristics of his style. For example, him narrative rhythm, very slow and always focused on the thoughts of the main character, who is told in great detail in his life anguish.

In Kafka's work it is denoted great passion for details, since it describes situations, passages and thoughts with total profusion, without neglecting absolutely nothing. This is something that makes the reader be part of the narrative itself, which at times seems to suffer as much as the character himself.

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Brief Summary - More information on the Metamorphosis

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