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Three Top Hats: Summary for Selectivity

Three Top Hats: Summary for Selectivity

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1932 was a complex year in Spain. With a newly launched republic and enormous political and social instability, the country, and also Europe, in the process of Between the wars, it is immersed in a cultural revolution in which the vanguards arrive with force to displace everything that sounds to classic. In this context, today, in a PROFESSOR, we are going to know a short summary of Three top hats, the first comedy to emerge from the sharp pen of the writer and journalist Miguel Mihura, undoubtedly, one of the most outstanding figures of the Spanish theater of the 20th century, who, with this comedy, would not only renew the genre, but would also incorporate the first elements for what was called the theater of the absurd.

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  1. Brief introduction to Three Top Hats
  2. Short summary of Three Top Hats
  3. Summary by acts of Three Top Hats

Brief introduction to Three Top Hats.

Mihura reflects on Three top hatsthe clash between two worlds

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s. On the one hand, we find the most bourgeois aspect of Spain at the time, still closely tied to its strict moral customs, with hypocritical and rigid touches. Faced with this classic world, we find another that arrives with force, unleashed, away from routine, and elusive from conventions.

However, Mihura establishes a contrast, but in his work he does not take sides by one or the other, as many might think. For the author, both worlds have something deceptive and it is reflected very well throughout the three acts that compose it.

Short summary of Three Top Hats.

Miguel Mihura divides his theatrical work into three acts, throughout the course of which we find a small provincial hotel where he is staying Dionysus, main character of the play, awaiting his wedding, which will take place the next day. However, during this stay he meets Paula, a cheerful dancer who belongs to a magazine company, and who makes Dionisio discover a world unknown to him.

The relationship and contrast is so strong that Dionisio himself rethinks his wedding, such is his attraction to the new discovery. However, he eventually resigns himself to his already defined destiny and ends up marrying, just as he had planned.

The important characters, together with the young and shy bourgeois Dionisio and the simple, naive and cheerful dancer Paula, are also Buby barton, somewhat gross dancer who runs the magazine, Don Sacramento, father of Daisy flower, fiancee of Dionysus, and the also mentioned Don RosarioGood-natured old man who runs the hotel.

Furthermore, the bourgeois world is represented by characters such as the Hateful Lord, the Military Elder or the Cheerful Explorer. Meanwhile, the magazine's troupe includes Fanny, the bearded woman or Carmela, among other.

Three Top Hats: Summary for Selectivity - Three Top Hats Short Summary

Image: The Masked Bibliophile

Summary by acts of Three Top Hats.

As we have said, this play by Miguel Mihura is divided into three acts. Let's see a brief summary of each of them.

Act i

In the first act we find the approach of the work. The author presents a bourgeois society in counterpoint to that of the entertainment world.

This is where the units of action, time and place are observed, and we get to know the protagonists and the links that unite them.

We found the young bourgeois Dionisio staying at the hotel, owned by Don Rosario, who has three top hats in his luggage. He is convinced of his perfect life and his future with Margarita, his fiancée. But then Buby and Paula enter the scene, the magazine artists who mistake the bourgeois for a juggler, because he has two top hats in his hands, a fact that he takes advantage of to enter his world, meet Fanny, a girl who smokes, and find himself in a more frivolous, cheerful environment... Which leads him to decide whether he accepts Paula's invitation or responds to the call phone number of his fiancée.

Act ii

Dionisio decides to hang up the phone on Margarita, continues the party with Paula and Buby, and gets drunk. Meanwhile, it is known that Buby actually wants to rob the bourgeois, although Paula objects, considering him a partner.

On the other hand, the Hateful Lord showers Paula with gifts and tries to rape her, but Buby saves her from her and promises to take her to the sea.

Act iii

It dawns with Paula and Dionisio lying down. Thus, the young bourgeois finds that the time to formalize his marriage is approaching, but he believes that he does not want to marry and prefers to be with Paula. However, Don Sacramento makes an appearance to find out why Dionisio did not answer the phone the night before.

Finally, Dionisio wants to break with everything and rebel, but he ends up losing his courage and leaves to marry Margarita, abandoning Paula.

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