Education, study and knowledge

5 tricks to avoid nervousness before an exam

When the date of the exam that scares us so much approaches, it is not uncommon for some sensations such as the stress wave anxiety take over our minds.

To prevent nerves Generated by the fear of the exam, they betray you at the moment you must translate your knowledge, take good note of the five psychological tricks and strategies that we offer you below.

5 tricks to avoid nervousness before an exam

The big day has come when you must take that important exam for which you have been preparing so much. After weeks or even months of intense study, today is the day you should reflect on everything you have learned and achieve your goal of passing. However, for many people this stressful time can turn into a nightmare: they go blank, their pulse trembles, they begin to sweat, they forget the answers... and all the effort can go to waste.

Psychological stress is normal at these times, but it can work against us if we do not learn to manage it. If during an exam we are too upset, we will not be able to reason and remember data with the same precision as when we are calm and calm. To avoid these nervous situations before an exam (or to at least learn to control these situations),

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Today we are going to know five tricks to arrive psychologically prepared to the test.

1. The day before the exam

The day before the test, the ideal is do not open any book. You should not study: just dedicate yourself to other activities that allow your mind to relax. Trying to study the day before the exam can lead to increased tension that you feel, and your brain is not ready to soak up knowledge under those circumstances.

As for the minutes before the test, the advice goes along the same lines: although it is frequent that you see all the students reviewing their notes and notes while they wait for the test to formally start, many of them are not aware that this only reports a state of greater anxiety.

Furthermore, it is highly probable that you can't learn anything new in those five or ten minutes of review: think that your preparation must have started weeks and even months ago, and all the knowledge and information that you have been acquiring is well consolidated in you brain.

2. Be punctual

Do not forget the importance of being punctual, and more so on this exam day. If you arrive downtown early, you will have extra time to prepare your tools, and in case something unforeseen arises you will have room for maneuver and you will be able to solve it. In case you arrive late to the center, your feeling of nerves will increase, from the moment you leave home stressed seeing that you are going with just the right time, going through the moment when you arrive at the center in a hurry: this will negatively affect your mental state during the exam. Also, keep in mind that in most of the faculties and institutions where you are going to take the exam, being late for the test can be reason enough for you to be suspended directly.

Therefore, calculate the times well (think that there may be unforeseen events of all kinds) and so you can better organize yourself to get to the center with a sufficient margin of time to allow you to be calm.

3. Talking to other students: be careful

During the wait before the exam, there are two types of people: those who withdraw into themselves to meditate or summarily review some notes, and those that begin to ask others and appear unusually communicative. Here you must make a self-reflection and decide which strategy is best for you.

If for example you are a person a a bit obsessive and you tend to get nervous before an exam because your thoughts kidnap you, you may want to start some cordial conversations with other students around the exam you are about to take: this can help you get your nerves off your chest and enter the classroom with a more focused mind. clear. On the contrary, if you have noticed that starting to talk to other students before the exam plunges you into a greater degree of tension (it is not uncommon for you talk about topics that are going to come out in the exam, and you still get the feeling that you are less prepared than you thought), consider taking the strategy contrary and withdraw more into yourself, trying to focus your mind in an optimal state. Ideally, you follow one strategy or another, try to be calm and run away from sources of stress.

4. Think about where you are going to go after the exam

After handing in the completed exam, you will notice a feeling of relaxation and relief: the die is cast. If you think of something satisfying to do when you have left the center, your brain will put the importance of the exam down and this will help your nerves dissipate. In this way, it will be easier for you to answer the test questions more calmly and anxiety will not block you.

5. The importance of thinking positive

For all facets of your life in general and to prepare for exams in particular, it is essential that you think positive. If you focus on achievement and work hard to pass that test that you fear so much, you will be cementing your chances of success. The mind has great power in achieving our goals. Trust your options, study what is necessary and thus you will arrive at the exam much calmer and focused on success.

If you follow these five tips, I am sure that your exams will be a complete success. Good luck!

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