History of the Persian Empire

Sometimes we use a term to refer to a series of empires that have taken place in the same place, being a clear example of this what we know as the Persian Empire, the civilizations located in Iran. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer you a overview of the Persian Empire so that you know the history from the Achaemenid Empire to the end of the Pahlavi dynasty.
- Achaemenid Empire
- Sassanid empire
- Safavid Empire
- Afsarid dynasty
- Kayar dynasty
- Pahlaví dynasty
Achaemenid Empire.
In previous lessons we have already talked about Aquémida empire, an important empire that became the greatest power in the world for many decades, its rule being only stopped by the union of the most powerful Greek peoples.
Taking place between 550 a. C. and 331 a. C., this empire was able to expand from Central Asia to Greece and Egypt. Thanks to its conquests and its great leaders like Cyrus II, it was able to become the largest empire in the world up to that time.
Their only rivals in the world were the Greeks, being defeated by them in the Medical Wars first, and later being the Macedonian Alexander the Great who ended the Achaemenid dynasty.

Image: Medical Wars
Sassanid Empire.
During years, Persiawas ruled by the Hellenistic descendants of Alexander the Great and later by the Parthians, not until 224 d. C. that the region was ruled by the Sassanids to bring back the great Persian Empire. The Sassanid Empire stayed until 651, when the evolution of Islam and subsequent Mongol conquests ended any attempt at the Persian Empire.
The resurgence of the Sassanid Empire It places him as one of the two great powers of the world at that time, being only the Roman Empire, and later Byzantium, who could dispute this position. It was the confrontation between Byzantium and the Sassanids, a long and exhausting war, which ended up causing both to be defeated by Islam.
Although it was such a great power, it was not so important compared to the Achaemenids, its greatest extension being all of Iran, Iraq and parts of the Mediterranean, Arabia and Central Asia.
Safavid Empire.
After years of Muslim rule, in 1501 the Safavid dynasty created a great empire in the region of Iran or Persia. For years, this dynasty was increasing its influence in the area of the so-called Great Persia occupying cities reaffirming the identity of the region valuing the return to the origins of the ancient empires Persians. Therefore, they were the first since the Sassanids to achieve a unified Persian state.
Ruling between 1501 and 1722, the Safavid Empire came to occupy the present-day regions of Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, plus parts of some nations like Turkey or Pakistan. The period of splendor ended after a series of rebellions that led to the end of the dynasty that had restored splendor to Persia.

Afsarid dynasty.
The last years of the Safavid Empire are marked by a series of revolts of different cultural tribes of the Persians, the most relevant of them being the Afshar people, that during the management of the leader Nader Shah they were able to come to power after the overthrow of the Afsarid leaders.
The weakness of the old monarch had caused the enemies of the Persians, the most important being the Turks and Russians, to occupy some of the most important areas of the Iranians. It was Nader Shah by accumulating power in the Persian region that he was able to create an army large enough to drive out the invaders and later take the place of the Safavids.
The Afsarid dynasty ruled the region of Persia for about 60 years, achieving an extension of the Persian empire that had not been possible since the time of the Sassanids. After the death of Nader Shah, his descendants had to face dynastic problems and attacks from the Ottomans, which finally ended this important dynasty.
Kayar dynasty.
After the fall of the Afsarid Empire, they were the members of the Kayar family who held the management of the Persian Empire, ruling between 1785 and 1925. Although the idea of the Kayar was to recover the relevance that Persia had had in previous centuries This was impossible, and his management suffered numerous setbacks from the increasing power of the Russians and ottomans.
In a time of wars the Persians suffered numerous British attacks, who occupied part of the region and were the culprits of great famines that weakened the Persians. All this instability ended up leading to a series of revolts and revolutions that ended with the Kayar and the less and less recognizable Persian empire.

Pahlaví dynasty.
To finish this summary of the Persian empire, we must talk about the last government of Persia and how this civilization, which on several occasions was the greatest power in the world, has ended up being one more nation in the world.
The Pahlaví ruled the Persian Empire between 1925 and 1979, until they were overthrown by the Islamic revolution and the birth of the region of Iran and the end of the Persian Empire. In recent years the Persian Empire had little to do with the ancient rulers of the world, and was only a small region of the world that it was increasingly common for its interests to be modified by the requests of large countries Westerners.
The end of Persia and the birth of Iran makes that at present we cannot speak of the great Persian Empire as such.

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